The Columbus Dispatch

Ohio University renames arts college after Ohio couple

- Shahid Meighan

A central Ohio couple known for their philanthro­py and commitment to the arts will now have an Ohio University college program named in their honor following a $25 million gift commitment, the university's board of trustees announced Monday.

Ohio University's College of Fine Arts will be renamed the Jeffrey D. Chaddock and Mark A. Morrow College of Fine Arts under a resolution approved by the Ohio University board of trustees.

The multimilli­on-dollar commitment from the couple, the school said, will enhance programs and facilities while enriching the experience for students, faculty, and the Appalachia­n community.

Jeffrey Chaddock, a 1988 alumnus of Ohio University and CEO of Envisage Wealth, a wealth advisory firm based in Gahanna, and his husband, Mark Morrow,

a museum guide for the 9/11 Museum in New York City, have long supported arts-focused programs and the creation of spaces that foster creativity and collaborat­ion, the university said.

“Mark and I are delighted to support Ohio University's vision for the future.

We steadfastl­y believe in art's power to transform lives, build understand­ing and unite communitie­s,” Chaddock said in a prepared statement.

“Our hope is that this public gift will inspire others to invest early and witness the profound impact their support can make.”

Chaddock has also served as a member of the Ohio University Alumni Associatio­n Board of Directors and the Ohio University Foundation Board of Trustees.

The gift to OU will also include programmat­ic and facility endowments for the Kennedy Museum of Art and the Performing Arts & Concert Series, a fellowship for the college and a gift to its capital and renovation fund, as well as support for the Ohio University Press, the University's Pride Center and scholarshi­ps.

“This is more than just financial support — it is an investment in the future of the arts,” said Jody Lamb, interim dean of the OU College of Fine Arts.

“Jeff and Mark are creating opportunit­ies for our students to grow, express themselves and explore their creative potential.” @Shahidmeig­han

 ?? PROVIDED BY BEN WIRTZ SIEGEL/OHIO UNIVERSITY ?? Mark A. Morrow, left, and Jeffery D. Chaddock. Ohio University will be renaming their fine arts building in honor of the couple following a $25 million gift commitment from them.
PROVIDED BY BEN WIRTZ SIEGEL/OHIO UNIVERSITY Mark A. Morrow, left, and Jeffery D. Chaddock. Ohio University will be renaming their fine arts building in honor of the couple following a $25 million gift commitment from them.

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