The Columbus Dispatch

‘Police reform’ in Columbus does not seem to be working

- Your Turn Stephen Walter Guest columnist

The Columbus Division of Police has been under significant scrutiny in recent years. If this is necessary, where is it taking us?

Let’s review some of these efforts.

A few years ago, the Matrix Consulting Group was commission­ed to study the division’s operations, etc.

Several recommenda­tions were made – some of which had been in practice for a while. Is it axiomatic that if I hire a firm to review operations that I expect the firm to give me what I want? What I believe? Or will impartiali­ty rule?

Late May of 2020 brought protests after the death of George Floyd.

Soon, CPD officers were looked upon as brutal, violent thugs.

These “peaceful protests” resulted in significant damage to the state Capitol, the Ohio Theatre and many businesses Downtown.

But officers were ultimately forbidden to employ tear gas, certain riot control munitions and personal protective gear.

One of my friends was struck in the head by a skateboard thrown from the third rank by a “peaceful protestor.”

He was spared serious injury, but ... Baker-hostetler was commission­ed to investigat­e police wrongdoing resulting therefrom. A press conference was held and informatio­n shared on their findings.

No cases of severe misconduct were found. Sustained complaints were few and minor. Mayor Andrew J. Ginther looked very dismayed, not proud as he should have been.

No mention was made of the over 300 injuries sustained during the civil unrest suffered by officers.

Laser lights were used to temporaril­y blind them, bottles of frozen water were hurled, as were factorygra­de fireworks.

PTSD cases followed.

A retired FBI agent and a special prosecutor then conducted further investigat­ions. Three officers were criminally charged as a result of doing their duty during a “peaceful protest.”

Cases are pending.

Against this backdrop, cases of homicide and felonious assault soar to record highs. People in distressed neighborho­ods often suffer the most.

The current crisis is in the Ohio State University area, where street robberies, carjacking­s, auto thefts and assaults occur with frequency.

What is the end state for police reform, reimaginin­g, etc.?

Whatever is tried doesn’t seem to be working. I pray that our end state is clearly delineated, steps taken by the city administra­tion, city council, the Fraternal Order of Police, community groups, etc., to reach stated reform – before our situation becomes untenable.

Retired Columbus police Sgt. Stephen Walter is a lifetime resident of Columbus and Grove City. He is also a United States Marine Corps Reserve retiree.

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