The Columbus Dispatch

Trump can’t see how his methods hurt his aims

- Carl P. Leubsdorf is former Washington bureau chief of the Dallas Morning News.

Ronald Reagan’s outreach to the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev in 1988, only to embrace it once in the White House. Bill Clinton modified his prior stress on human rights in presidenti­al dealings with China. Barack Obama altered his approach on health-care policy after his election.

But not Donald Trump. After being persuaded initially to try more-traditiona­l paths both organizati­onally and substantiv­ely — initially keeping the Iran nuclear agreement was one — the 45th president has very much reverted to the operationa­l style and policy positions he embraced as a private citizen.

As a result, which has been painfully evident over the last week, he is creating problems for himself in both aspects.

From an organizati­onal viewpoint, Trump’s unilateral dealings with the leaders of North Korea and Russia are reminiscen­t of how he ran his real-estate organizati­on as a one-man show with neither formal structure nor nonfamily advisers. Trump has seemingly abandoned the staff structure he reluctantl­y accepted in 2017, all but ignoring Gen. John Kelly, who remains the nominal chief of staff but with clearly decreasing influence.

The last president who tried to operate without a chief of staff was Jimmy Carter, who soon realized his error and reverted to a more structured setup.

Before Helsinki, Trump pointedly disdained both preparator­y sessions and pages of briefing materials, spending the weekend playing golf at his club in Scotland and issuing periodic tweets. The meeting had no formal agenda, enabling the more-organized Putin to control the discussion both substantiv­ely and atmospheri­cally.

They talked for two hours without advisers, so only Trump, Putin and their translator­s know what happened. Afterwards, Putin appears to have briefed some advisers, but Trump made no formal effort either to inform the public or brief top American officials. That led to the embarrassi­ng public acknowledg­ement by director of intelligen­ce Dan Coats that he did not know what had transpired.

Trump further confused matters with his contradict­ory comments on what he said — or meant to say — about Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election. That prompted some congressio­nal Democrats to make the dubious suggestion that lawmakers interview the translator to learn what happened.

Trump’s policy of pursuing closer relations with Putin and minimizing efforts to force Russia to pay a price for attacking American democracy is very much his own policy. Despite suggestion­s that Putin holds some sort of influence over him, it reflects views Trump has expressed for more than three decades.

Similarly, his denigratio­n and misunderst­anding of the world’s single most successful peacekeepi­ng instrument since the Romans’ Pax Romana, the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on, reflects Trump’s long-held misunderst­anding of its underlying goal. NATO doesn’t just protect European nations, it also binds them with the United States in a way that provides a more-powerful deterrent to potential aggressors, whether from the east (i.e. Russia) or beyond (Islamic terrorists).

Similarly, the divisive positions Trump is implementi­ng on trade and immigratio­n are ones he has held for decades. His America First attitude on trade dates from the 1980s, though his chief target has changed from Japan to China.

One irony is that Trump’s declaratio­n the Federal Reserve should hold down interest rates is a rare exception. Three years ago during the Obama administra­tion, he accused then-Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen of keeping interest rates artificial­ly low to benefit the Democrats and urged her to raise them.

Still, the facts that the developing trade war is already threatenin­g the domestic economy and the rift with traditiona­l U.S. allies is encouragin­g Putin underscore the need for Trump to reconsider how he is running the presidency and making policy decisions. More consultati­on with his advisers might be a useful first step.

Unfortunat­ely, the unlikeliho­od of much presidenti­al introspect­ion and selfexamin­ation makes that unlikely for now. Perhaps only a damaging defeat in November’s elections can persuade Trump his current course does no one any good, especially himself.

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