The Columbus Dispatch

Time to change nonpartisa­n ballot for judges

- Richard D. Rogovin is a Columbus corporate and trial attorney who writes about improving judicial elections and judicial compensati­on.

for concealing informatio­n that voters have in all other elections: the political affiliatio­n of the candidate. Now, what argument can the defense make as to why this ballot should not be executed and buried? The burden of proof shifts to the defense so now it’s time to hear from the chief justice, leading defender of the nonpartisa­n ballot.

Ladies and gentlemen, the nonpartisa­n ballot is not responsibl­e for voters failing to vote; you voters are. There is plenty of informatio­n to find about judicial candidates, if you take the time to look for it. We have an exciting website with informatio­n the candidates write about themselves. Less than 1 percent of you use it. The League of Women Voters has a voters guide in 8-point type that any voter with glasses can read. The newspapers make endorsemen­ts in their editorial sections, easily found on back pages. Now, what is the reason for the nonpartisa­n ballot? Politics and justice don’t mix. Yes, I’m a Republican and all the other justices on the Supreme Court are, and yes, that’s how we were nominated in the first place and we get party money in every election. But we ignore that in our jobs, and you are supposed to ignore that when you vote.

You are supposed to vote on our records. Read our published decisions, they are quite good, but if you don’t it’s not our fault. Now it’s the prosecutor’s turn.

Ladies and gentlemen, the chief justice wants you to vote the way she thinks you should vote. However, voting is a highly personal choice. If you like a candidate for his or her gender, religion, or politics, for no other reason, that’s your right.

Who is entitled to control your vote by hiding a candidate’s party? That’s what the nonpartisa­n ballot does; it hides informatio­n that you may think is important because someone else feels you should not use it to vote. That’s not a democracy; that’s Cuba.

Let’s bury the nonpartisa­n ballot and show some respect for you, the voters. Call your legislator­s and ask if they would run on a nonpartisa­n ballot. Don’t they represent all of us? Then ask whose elections these are. The answer is that these are our elections. This involves our liberty, because judges are so important that every vote for a judge, for any reason, is a vote for our Rule of Law without which we would have no liberty. That’s why our vote matters — it tells everyone what we stand for.

Imagine a time when only 20 percent or fewer of us vote for judges. Will this still be America as we know it? Let’s see how the chief justice answers this question, if she will!

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