The Columbus Dispatch

School sues government over DACA

- By Susan Svrluga

The University of California filed suit against the Trump administra­tion in federal court on Friday, charging that it has harmed the school and its students with a plan to rescind a program that gives some protection from deportatio­n to young people whose parents brought them to the United States illegally.

Earlier this week, the Trump administra­tion announced it would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which gave some 800,000 young people provisiona­l legal permission to live, work and study in this country. President Donald Trump called the program unconstitu­tional, and he challenged Congress to create a solution.

The decision reverberat­ed because the “dreamers,” as they have become known, are a symbol to some of executive overreach exacerbati­ng the problem of illegal immigratio­n, and to others of innocent young people trying to forge a better life in this country.

The lawsuit pits one of the program’s architects against the current administra­tion trying to dismantle it: Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California, created DACA while serving as Homeland Security secretary for the Obama administra­tion.

It also highlights the impact of the program, and the decision to end it. The University of California has about 4,000 students without legal documentat­ion living in the United States (many of them with DACA), as well as instructor­s and health-care providers who have DACA status.

Homeland Security spokeswoma­n Joanne Talbot said that department does not comment on pending legislatio­n.

Napolitano said in a statement, “Neither I, nor the University of California, take the step of suing the federal government lightly, especially not the very agency that I led.

“It is imperative, however, that we stand up for these vital members of the UC community. They represent the best of who we are — hardworkin­g, resilient and motivated high achievers. To arbitraril­y and capricious­ly end the DACA program, which benefits our country as a whole, is not only unlawful, it is contrary to our national values and bad policy.”

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