The Columbus Dispatch

Organicall­y grown produce isn’t necessaril­y superior

- DR. KEITH ROACH Dr. Roach answers letters only in his North America Syndicate column but provides an order form of available health newsletter­s at Write him at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32853- 6475; or ToYourGood­Health@ med. cornell.

Do you think there’s much benefit to buying organic foods, now that my husband and I are in our 60s? I’ll gladly purchase organic fruits and veggies when we host our children and grandchild­ren, and our garden is chemicalfr­ee, but I can’t imagine that the added expense of buying organic will provide much benefit to senior citizens whose bodies already have 50 or more years of exposure to pesticides and herbicides. Is there any solid evidence either way?

The data are not entirely conclusive, but the prepondera­nce of the evidence is that organic food does not provide significan­t health benefits, compared with convention­ally grown foods. In my opinion, organicall­y produced foods are not worth the extra expense just because they are organic.

Both organicall­y grown and convention­ally grown foods contain residues of pesticides, but organic food has lower amounts of convention­al pesticides. (However, nearly all are far below the Environmen­tal Protection Agency standards.) Organic foods have a more restricted list of pesticides that can be used, and some of these are poisonous to humans. Take, for example, copper sulfate, a chemical commonly used in organic farming (in the U.S., but banned in some European countries) to kill fungus and bacteria. It is many times more deadly, at least in rats, than glyphosate (Roundup), a commonly used convention­al herbicide. It also is carcinogen­ic (cancer-causing) in animals. However, by the time foods arrive in a grocer’s market, these chemicals are present at such small amounts (in both organic and convention­al produce) that they are very unlikely to cause any problems.

Most data show that organic food does not have more nutrients than convention­ally grown foods. There may be an argument that organic farms are friendlier to the environmen­t; however, I have had convention­al farmers write to me to dispute that as well.

Growing your own food is getting it as fresh as possible, but local farmers markets are another good way to buy local. In my opinion, food that is locally produced (whether convention­ally or organicall­y) is likely to be fresher and more nutritious than food shipped in from far away. Washing the produce under running water and rubbing gently with a vegetable brush gets rid of most of the residual pesticides, dirt and bacteria.

Bacterial infections are increasing­ly a problem with organicall­y produced foods, with more than half of recent food-borne illness attributab­le to organic foods. All produce needs to be rinsed: Danger from bacterial contaminat­ion is probably greater than the risk from pesticides.

I found good and unbiased informatio­n from the national pesticide informatio­n center at

— D. B. Answer:

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