The Columbus Dispatch

New rules allow rookie docs to work 24-hour shifts again

- By Lindsey Tanner

CHICAGO — Rookie doctors can work up to 24 hours straight under new work limits taking effect this summer — a move supporters say will enhance training and foes maintain will do just the opposite.

A Chicago-based group that establishe­s work standards for U.S. medical school graduates has voted to eliminate a 16-hour cap for firstyear residents. The Accreditat­ion Council for Graduate Medical Education announced the move Friday as part of revisions that include reinstatin­g the longer limit for rookies — the same maximum allowed for advanced residents.

An 80-hour per week limit for residents at all levels remains in place under the new rules.

Dr. Anai Kothari, a third-year resident on a council panel that recommende­d the changes, says he only occasional­ly works 24-hour shifts. The extra hours give him time to finish up with patients instead of being sent home in the middle of a case, said Kothari, who works at Loyola University Medical Center near Chicago.

But first-year resident Dr. Samantha Harrington thinks it will endanger the safety of residents and patients.

Harrington says her 14-hour shifts this winter at Cambridge Hospital near Boston are already plenty long. To stay awake while driving home after work, she sometimes rolls down the window to let the freezing air blast her in the face.

Harrington says the grueling hours are “based on a patriarcha­l hazing system,” where longtime physicians think “‘I went through it, so therefore you have to go through it too.’” She is a member of the Committee of Interns and Residents, a union group that opposes the work-shift changes. So does the American Medical Student Associatio­n.

Dr. Kelly Thibert, the group’s president, says putting a 16-hour cap on all residents’ work shifts would be a safer way to even the playing field.

There are more than 120,000 U.S. doctorsin-training including rookies.

The accreditat­ion council has for years wrestled with ensuring that doctors are adequately trained but not overworked.

The 1984 death of an 18-year-old college student in a New York hospital while under the care of medical residents working long hours put a national spotlight on the issue. Medication error and inadequate supervisio­n were cited in that case, which prompted a lengthy investigat­ion and state limits for residents’ work hours.

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