The Columbus Dispatch

Common Core is common sense

- — Chicago Tribune

In 2010, a who’s who of American educators and politician­s joined forces to spearhead a national initiative with wide appeal and few if any critics. It was called the Common Core.

The pols and educators agreed: Too many U.S. students breezed through weak state achievemen­t tests, only to falter against tougher national and internatio­nal assessment­s. Many students who reached college needed intensive tutoring.

The prescripti­on: Create “a common set of high expectatio­ns for students across the country.” State school superinten­dents, other education leaders and teachers nationwide would write tough national math and English standards.

The CEO of the National Parent-Teacher Associatio­n endorsed Common Core. So did the American Federation of Teachers. The National Education Associatio­n. Several governors. A top exec at consulting giant Accenture. The CEO of Intel. Billionair­e philanthro­pist Bill Gates. The Carnegie Foundation. The National Center for Learning Disabiliti­es. The National Associatio­n of State Boards of Education. The 2010 Teacher of the Year.

Eventually, 45 states embraced the Core. Over the last four years, however, that unified front has crumbled.

First, some Republican­s defected after the Obama administra­tion embraced the Common Core as part of its 2009 Race to the Top education sweepstake­s. The political calculus: Obama is for it so we’re against it.

Indiana, after embracing the Common Core, recently scrapped the standards in favor of those “written by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers,” Gov. Mike Pence said.

Other states are in various stages of revolt against the Common Core.

Now some teachers unions have joined that chorus. Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis calls the core “an overreach of federal power into personal privacy as well as into state educationa­l autonomy.” She and other union critics say that the Core stifles “creativity in the classroom” — and that tougher tests tied to the standards shouldn’t be used to evaluate teachers.

Translated: Union leaders fear that more students will fail to clear the new statewide tests, and that their members will shoulder a huge share of the blame.

Reality: The Common Core does not dictate how teachers teach, or set a rigid curriculum for students. The curriculum remains firmly in the hands of teachers, principals and local school boards.

“The Common Core tells me what my students should master before they leave my classroom — it is the destinatio­n,” Pam Reilly, the 2014 Illinois Teacher of the Year, tells us. “The journey of teaching to reach that destinatio­n is up to me.” As it should be.

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue, one of the original Core backers in 2010, summarized the backlash: “There is a great deal of paranoia in the country today,” he told The New York Times. “It’s the two Ps, polarizati­on and paranoia.”

Lest the Core critics forget, there’s a third P: pupils. A single set of high national standards lets everyone — teachers, principals and parents — know where students stand and, more important, what all of us can do to help them succeed.

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