The Capital

Are The Robots Allowed To Peek?

- Phillip Alder

In a script for “Northern Exposure,” Henry Bromel wrote, “They say dreams are the windows of the soul -- take a peek, and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts.”

Anyone who has played at Bridge Base Online with or against the robots has probably wondered if they are allowed to see their partner’s hand when they are on defense. It had crossed my mind after being on the losing end of a couple of razzle-dazzle defenses. But not after this deal. What was the result in one no-trump after the West robot led the heart three?

My one-no-trump opening bid showed a good 11 to 14 points. I am a big fan of the weak no-trump, believing its pluses vastly outweigh the minuses.

Trick one went heart three, two, five, six! If I could have peeked, I would have led the diamond jack! But after a low diamond to the nine, queen and king, the East robot returned the club three. West took that trick and strangely led the diamond 10. I won with my ace and played the heart 10. West, misled by partner’s play at trick one, put up the king. East won with the ace and led back the diamond eight. I won with my jack, cashed the diamond seven, played a heart to dummy’s nine and took the heart queen, club ace and club queen.

Then, at trick 12, I played a spade to the king.

Have you been keeping track? That was nine tricks! I asked partner why she had made such a cautious pass!

What is the winning defense against one no-trump? To start, any lead but the heart king, seven or three!

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