The Boyertown Area Times

Lack of informatio­n on workers’ rights keeps union members in dark

- By Charles Mitchell Guest columnist

Francisco Molina knows what it takes to overcome adversity. Raised by a single mother from just three years old, Molina endured severe abuse. His home life was so bad, he wore longsleeve­d shirts to school to cover the scars from his mother’s beatings.

Such experience­s can make or break a person. Molina did not break. Instead, he got stronger.

Molina started a family, earned a degree in human services, and, in 2006, took a job as a social services aide with the Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth to help abused children. He eventually joined the union, Service Employees Internatio­nal Union (SEIU), Local 668, and became a shop steward.

While he sometimes held views different from union leadership, Molina appreciate­d the chance to represent his colleagues and took it on himself to share useful informatio­n with them. For example, he once posted the responsibi­lities of a shop steward — taken from the SEIU’s own handbook — on a workplace bulletin board. After all, knowledge is power.

But Molina soon learned SEIU leaders want to keep power in their own hands. They were none too pleased with his attempts at transparen­cy. The tipping point came a year ago, when SEIU asked workers to sign new membership cards pledging to pay union dues — even if they found another job or stopped being union members. Molina refused to sign the coercive membership card and, in the spirit of transparen­cy, alerted his colleagues to the fine print.

Why was SEIU so eager for members to recommit? For decades, government union leaders have taken a cut of public workers’ paychecks. Even workers who chose not to be union members had to pay a “fair share fee” to keep their jobs. But a lawsuit brought by Illinois government worker Mark Janus was about to change all that.

Just a few months after Molina exposed SEIU’s membership card scheme, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Janus v. AFSCME that government workers could no longer be forced to pay union fees as a condition of employment.

Frustrated with how SEIU’s leaders were treating him and his colleagues, Molina quickly sought to act on his newly-restored rights and submitted his resignatio­n letter to the union.

But what should have been the end of Molina’s story turned out to be just the beginning.

SEIU officials rejected Molina’s resignatio­n, citing a contract clause called “maintenanc­e of membership,” which locks workers in union membership for years at a time, and continued taking dues from his paycheck. Molina refused to back down. Then, a few weeks later, he was suddenly dismissed from his job of more than a decade in what he feels was a retaliator­y act.

In January, he sued the union, with assistance from nonprofit law firm the Fairness Center, for refusing to let him resign and for unconstitu­tionally taking his money.

Unfortunat­ely, Molina’s experience isn’t isolated. The Fairness Center also represents a group of government employees from Greensburg in a class-action lawsuit against SEIU over resignatio­n restrictio­ns. And the Liberty Justice Center, the law firm that brought the Janus case, recently filed similar lawsuits on behalf of Philadelph­ia and Lebanon County public workers.

While these cases work their way through the courts, state lawmakers should fight to remove draconian resignatio­n restrictio­ns and other obstacles standing between workers and their rights. One problem is a simple lack of informatio­n. Many government workers don’t even know about the Janus ruling, and union leaders benefit by keeping them in the dark.

Francisco Molina is standing up for himself and other public workers because he believes everyone deserves the opportunit­y to know and act on their rights. That’s the kind of bedrock value every lawmaker, regardless of party, should be happy to support.

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