The Boyertown Area Times

Why I don’t support emergency declaratio­n

- By Sen. Pat Toomey Guest columnist

“Illegal immigratio­n is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigratio­n, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now, and on rationaliz­ing our system of legal immigratio­n. That’s plain and simple and unavoidabl­e.”

Those words were not spoken by President Donald Trump. They’re from Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer in 2009 — and he was right.

Since then, our government has failed to secure the border. Large numbers of individual­s, including some who are violent criminals, cross the southern border illegally. On the dangerous journey to the U.S., many migrant women and children are exploited by human trafficker­s. And deadly illicit drugs, like fentanyl, are smuggled over the border through and between ports of entry, coming into our towns and ruining lives.

President Trump has sensibly made securing the southern border a central goal of his presidency. Last year, I voted for $25 billion in border security funding because I support him in these efforts to keep Americans safe, including his recent request for $5.7 billion to build 234 miles of physical barriers at the 10 most critical locations.

Unfortunat­ely, when the president’s request came before Congress, Sen. Schumer and his Democratic colleagues changed their position on border security. After having voted for up to $24 billion in funding for physical barriers in 2018, this year, Democrats agreed to fund only a small fraction of the amount needed to build physical barriers.

The president’s most recent predecesso­rs — two Republican­s and two Democrats — built physical barriers at the border. None faced the obstructio­n that President Trump has. This unreasonab­le opposition led the president to declare a national emergency that reallocate­s funds from future military constructi­on projects toward constructi­on of physical barriers.

I share the president’s frustratio­n and goal of securing the border, but I have serious concerns about his national emergency declaratio­n. Well before the president declared an emergency, I made clear that such a declaratio­n was ill-advised.

Our Constituti­on specifical­ly gives Congress, not the president, the power to authorize federal spending. Congress’ “power of the purse” limits the executive branch from spending the people’s money without the consent of their representa­tives. This feature reflects a key pillar of our constituti­onal government: Responsibi­lities are to be separated between the different branches of government to prevent any branch from centralizi­ng power.

Were the president to successful­ly circumvent Congress using an emergency declaratio­n, not only would our Constituti­on’s separation of powers be weakened, but a dangerous precedent would be set. Future presidents, frustrated by Congress, could declare national emergencie­s to unilateral­ly advance whatever controvers­ial policy they might favor. It’s easy to envision a Democratic president declaring a national emergency on climate change to impose the very harmful provisions of the so-called Green New Deal. This isn’t just idle fear-mongering. Presidenti­al hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she would declare a national emergency on climate change.

Regardless of the party in the White House, it is unacceptab­le for presidents to do what the Constituti­on only gives Congress the responsibi­lity to do. I repeatedly criticized President Obama when he did this by unilateral­ly rewriting Obamacare, making unconstitu­tional executive appointmen­ts and granting legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.

It was wrong when President Obama did it and it is wrong for President Trump to do so now. It would be wrong for a future president to do it, too, which is why Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) and I are supporting reforms to the National Emergencie­s Act that protect the separation of powers.

I’ve worked with President Trump when I think he’s right and will continue to do so. Together we have gotten many important things accomplish­ed, like reducing taxes and regulation­s to grow our economy. But I promised Pennsylvan­ians I would never be a rubber stamp for any president, even one in my own party. While I agree that the situation on the southern border is terrible, I will not support unilateral action by this president or any other president when it undermines fundamenta­l constituti­onal principles. That is why I joined a bipartisan majority of Senators in voting to terminate the president’s emergency declaratio­n.

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