The Boston Globe

Business leaders urge president to ‘pass the torch’

Call 2nd Trump term a threat to democracy

- By Kenneth P. Vogel

a group of business leaders is calling on President Biden to step aside and make way for a replacemen­t atop the Democratic Party’s presidenti­al ticket.

Leadership now Project, a coalition of 400 politicall­y active current and retired executives who mostly but not entirely lean left, issued a statement on wednesday urging Biden to “pass the torch of this year’s presidenti­al nomination to the next generation of highly capable Democrats.”

the statement is unsigned, but Daniella Ballou-aares, the group’s founder and Ceo, said that it was supported by an overwhelmi­ng majority of the members of Leadership now Project.

the membership includes Jeni Britton Bauer, founder of Jeni’s Famous ice Cream; thomas w. Florsheim Jr., Ceo of the footwear maker weyco group; eddie Fishman, managing director of the investment firm D.e. Shaw & Co.; John Pepper, former Ceo of Procter & gamble; and Paul tagliabue, former commission­er of the NFL.

the statement comes as major Democratic donors are increasing­ly concluding that the party would stand a better chance of holding the white House with a different nominee in the wake of Biden’s weak performanc­e in last week’s presidenti­al debate with Donald trump. But most donors and big money groups on the left have refrained from going public out of concern about generating a backlash.

in its statement, Leadership now Project called the prospect of a second trump term “an existentia­l threat to american democracy” and said that at the debate Biden “failed to effectivel­y make the case against trump, and we now fear the risk of a devastatin­g loss in november.”

the statement added that “we have heard from many individual­s who share our deep concerns about the present course but fear speaking out” and concluded by imploring others “to join us in making this urgent call.”

in an interview, Ballouaare­s, a business executive who was a senior State Department adviser during the obama administra­tion, said she had been disturbed by the messaging from the white House and other Biden supporters in recent days.

“this sense that this is a small group family decision is not good for democracy,” she said, calling it “really inconsiste­nt with where people were after watching the debate.”

Her group, which consists of nonprofit arms and a political action committee, has endorsed candidates from both parties, and recently hosted at its annual meeting former Representa­tive adam kinzinger, an antitrump Republican, and governor gretchen whitmer of michigan, a Democrat mentioned as a possible replacemen­t for Biden.

‘This sense that [Biden’s decision] is a small group family decision is not good for democracy.’

Daniella BALLOU-AARES, CEO, Leadership Now Project

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