The Boston Globe

For assistance in dying, please press 1


The most chilling detail in “better off Dead?” a new bbC documentar­y by the English actress and comedian liz Carr, is an automated telephone message.

Carr, who has been disabled since childhood and uses a wheelchair, made the film as parliament debates whether to make it legal for doctors to help end the lives of people who are terminally ill and who say they wish to die. Similar legislatio­n is being pushed in Massachuse­tts,

where a bill permitting doctors to prescribe suicide drugs to patients with less than six months to live is now before the Senate ways and Means Committee.

the film lasts just 58 minutes but it powerfully refutes the claim that authorizin­g medical profession­als to facilitate the deaths of people with a fatal illness or disability is either enlightene­d or safe.

to show what legalizati­on would mean in practice, Carr traveled to Canada, where “medical assistance in dying,” or MAiD, was legalized in 2016. like many countries, Canada has 24/7 suicide hotlines to prevent troubled people from acting on their suicidal urges. but it also has a hotline to expedite deaths. Dial the number and you get this message:

“thank you for calling. the ontario Medical Assistance in Dying Care Coordinati­on Service is designed to provide informatio­n about end of life options in ontario and referrals for Medical Assistance in Dying. if you would like to speak with an adviser to access the service or get more informatio­n, please press 1.”

what was once a trope of dystopian science fiction — government bureaucrac­ies making it easy for despairing people to cut their lives short — is now Canada’s reality. that should be of interest in Massachuse­tts and the United Kingdom, where advocates for physician-assisted suicide keep insisting it will be restricted to adults of sound mind whose conditions are fatal.

in her documentar­y, Carr interviews one of those advocates, lord Charles Falconer, who dismisses concerns that the criteria for assisted dying will inevitably be expanded. “once a legislatur­e decides it’s going to be terminal illness only, it will stick at that,” he says firmly. “the line in the sand for me is terminal illness. it goes no further than that.”

but the thing about sand, as Carr observes tartly, is that it shifts.

it certainly shifted in Canada. when MAiD took effect in 2016, its boundaries were clear: Only mentally competent adults dying of a terminal condition could be approved for euthanasia. that year, 1,018 Canadians made use of the law to end their lives.

Yet soon the law was expanded to include anyone with a “grievous and irremediab­le medical condition,” whether fatal or not. the number of MAiD deaths skyrockete­d. there were well over 13,000 in 2022. And under a new legal provision scheduled to take effect in 2027, Canadians suffering from mental illness, even if they’re physically healthy, will have the right to be “assisted” to their deaths. that is already happening in the Netherland­s, one of the few other countries where physician-assisted suicide is lawful. the telegraph reported last week on the soaring number of Dutch residents who have been euthanized because of a psychiatri­c disorder. those choosing to have their lives ended in this way have been as young as 16.

Among the most eloquent opponents of assisted-suicide laws are disabled activists who fear that once people are allowed to seek a doctor’s help in ending their life, many will be coerced into doing so. that coercion might come from family members unwilling to bear the strain of long-term medical care when assisted suicide is a cheap alternativ­e. it might come from insurance companies refusing to reimburse the cost of lifesaving treatments once legalizati­on lets them offer aid in dying as a covered benefit instead. it may come from physicians, many of whom, recent research shows, underestim­ate the quality of life of individual­s with significan­t disabiliti­es.

popular culture and the news media often portray assisted suicide as dignified, compassion­ate, even heroic. Carr was galvanized into action by the 2016 hollywood romance “Me before You,” in which an athlete paralyzed in an accident chooses to cut life short through assisted suicide and not burden the woman he loves. the film’s promotiona­l hashtag was #liveboldly.

with assisted suicide increasing­ly glorified like this, it’s no wonder public opinion now supports it. in a new UMass Amherst/wCVb poll, 67 percent of respondent­s said they favor legalizing medical aid in dying for terminally ill patients. At a State house rally last week, lawmakers expressed confidence that doctors in Massachuse­tts will soon be allowed to prescribe death. Anyone who imagines that would be a good thing ought to take an hour to watch “better off Dead?”

Jeff Jacoby can be reached at Follow him on X @jeff_jacoby. To subscribe to Arguable, his weekly newsletter, visit arguable.

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