The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

U.K. Media


1976: The BBC reports that Earth’s gravity would be lower than normal. If listeners jumped into the air at precisely 9:47 a.m., they would experience “a strange, floating sensation.”

2008: The


reporter Beeb

for that shows video of penguin a story: species Former of flying Monty penguins,


member newly discovered Terry Jones. in Antarctica. The video goes on to become a huge hit on Youtube.

1977: The London Guardian newspaper publishes a seven-page special section devoted to a hot new tourist destinatio­n:


Serriffe, a series of obscure islands that happens to be shaped like a semicolon. The capital of the tiny nation was Bodoni and its leader was Gen. Pica.

This was very funny... but only if you knew lots of trivia about typography.


National Public Radio is famous for playing April Fools’ pranks on its listeners.

1992: NPR’S “Talk of the Nation” reports that former President Richard Nixon would run for president yet again. Nixon explains to NPR: “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t Nixon’s do it “quotes” again.” were Listeners supplied by

comedian flood

impression­ist NPR with Rich calls. Little. Later in the show, the host reveals the joke.

1994: “All Things Considered” reports that companies, including Pepsi, are paying young people to tattoo their logos on themselves. In return, Pepsi would grant a 10% lifetime discount on its products.

2000: “All Things Considered” reports another new fad among young people: Surgical navel removal, performed in shopping mall kiosks.

2004: “All Things Considered” is at it again, reporting that the U.S. Postal Service is allowing people to take their ZIP code with them when they move — just like phone owners can keep their old phone numbers.

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