The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Texas Democrats leave state to try to stop GOP

Showdown over election proposals takes on new twist.

- By Paul J. Weber

AUSTIN, TEXAS — Democrats in the Texas Legislatur­e on Monday bolted for Washington, D.C., and said they were ready to remain there for weeks in a second revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws, forcing a dramatic new showdown over voting rights in America.

Private planes carrying a large group of Democrats took off from an airport in Austin, skipping town just days before the Texas House of Representa­tives was expected to give early approval to sweeping new voting restrictio­ns in a special legislativ­e session ordered by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

By leaving, Democrats again deny the GOP majority a quorum to pass bills, barely a month after a walkout thwarted the first push for sweeping new voting restrictio­ns in Texas, including outlawing 24-hour polling places, banning ballot drop boxes and empowering partisan poll watchers.

“This is a now-or-never for our democracy. We are holding the line in Texas,” said Democratic state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer. “We’ve left our jobs, we’ve left our families, we’ve left our homes. Because there is nothing more important than voting rights in America.”

It was not immediatel­y clear how many of the 67 Democrats in the Texas House left, but party leaders said it would be enough to bring the Legislatur­e to a halt.

The decision to hole up in Washington is aimed at ratcheting up pressure on President Joe Biden and Congress to act on voting at the federal level. Biden is set to deliver a major address on the issue today in Philadelph­ia, after facing growing criticism for taking what some on the left call too passive a role in the fight.

The lawmakers are expected to meet with Democrats across Washington, but an administra­tion official said there are no current plans for a White House visit.

The drastic move lays bare how Democrats are making America’s biggest red state their last stand against the GOP’S rush to enact new voting restrictio­ns in response to former President Donald Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. More than a dozen states have passed tougher election laws this year — but only in Texas have Democrats put up this kind of fight.

It marks the first time since 2003 that Texas Democrats, shut out of power in the state Capitol for decades, have crossed state lines to break quorum.

Moments after Democrats jetted off, Abbott issued a statement blasting them for leaving, while Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan promised to use “every available resource” to secure a quorum. He did not elaborate, but some House Republican­s signaled they would take action when the chamber reconvenes today.

When Democrats fled the state two decades ago — in a failed attempt to stop new Gop-drawn voting maps — state troopers were deployed to bring them back.

“Texas Democrats’ decision to break a quorum of the Texas Legislatur­e and abandon the Texas State Capitol inflicts harm on the very Texans who elected them to serve,” Abbott’s statement said. “As they fly across the country on cushy private planes, they leave undone issues that can help their districts and our state.”

Over the weekend, Texas Republican­s began advancing measures that also bring back provisions to ban drivethrou­gh voting, add new voter ID requiremen­ts to absentee ballots and prohibit local elections officials from proactivel­y sending mail-in ballot applicatio­ns to voters.

 ?? ERIC GAY/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Democrats from the Texas Legislatur­e prepare to board a plane headed for Washington, D.C., on Monday. By leaving Austin, Democrats deny the GOP majority a quorum to pass bills, barely a month after they staged a walkout to protest new voting restrictio­ns.
ERIC GAY/ASSOCIATED PRESS Democrats from the Texas Legislatur­e prepare to board a plane headed for Washington, D.C., on Monday. By leaving Austin, Democrats deny the GOP majority a quorum to pass bills, barely a month after they staged a walkout to protest new voting restrictio­ns.

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