The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

2020 may be wild year politics

As GOP aims to energize base for elections, Dems hope to flip state to blue.

- By Greg Bluestein

A presidenti­al election rocked by the impeachmen­t of President Donald Trump. A little-known U.S. senator taking the reins from retiring Republican Johnny Isak

son. Twin U.S. Senate contests and a sweep of competitiv­e U.S. House and state legislativ­e races.

As 2020 dawns, Georgia faces another wild election year full of fascinatin­g personalit­ies and consequent­ial debates.

Gov. Brian Kemp enters his second year in Georgia’s top job with a steep agenda — and a reputation on the line with Kelly Loeffler as his pick for the U.S. Senate. His top Democratic rival, Stacey Abrams, has positioned herself as a potential 2020 presidenti­al running mate.

Republican­s who showed a willingnes­s to engage in partisan battles last year could hit the gas in 2020 to energize their base ahead of the election, or they could try to broaden their appeal to the center. Meanwhile, revved-up Democrats hope to consolidat­e their suburban gains and finally flip Georgia after a long stretch of futility.

Will Republican­s hold the Georgia House?

After carving a blue path through Atlanta’s suburbs in 2018, Democrats are closer to recapturin­g the Georgia House than they have been in years. The party needs to flip at least 16 seats to gain control of the chamber — a lofty but not impossible goal.

Democratic leaders hope to transform outrage over stiff new anti-abortion restrictio­ns and frustratio­n with Kemp and Trump into major gains at the ballot box. Republican­s are confident that their conservati­ve policies will keep Georgia in the GOP fold.

The battle over legislativ­e control won’t garner as many headlines as other elections, but it could be the most consequent­ial. It’s why both parties have pledged to spend millions of dollars in 2020 fighting over downticket races.

If Democrats take the House, they will secure a larger role in crafting policies and shaping the state budget with a GOP-controlled Senate and Republican governor. And they will have a seat at the table as lawmakers redraw Georgia’s political maps after the U.S. census in 2020.

Will Stacey Abrams emerge as a vice presidenti­al contender?

Abrams managed to raise her national profile higher than ever in 2019, turning her narrow defeat to Kemp in 2018 into a springboar­d to bigger things.

She drew sellout crowds on an internatio­nal book tour, courted presidenti­al candidates and snapped a tradition of lackluster responses with her rebuttal to the State of the Union.

In between, she expanded her Fair Fight voting rights group to 19 other states, launched a group aimed at an accurate U.S. census count and started a think tank to push liberal policies across the South.

After deciding in April not to run for the U.S. Senate, she’s still made it clear she has lofty political ambitions that might go beyond a 2022 rematch against Kemp.

By year’s end, headlines bubbled up every week mentioning her as a potential running mate to top Democratic White House hopefuls, and she was seen as a certainty to be on plenty of shortlists.

Meanwhile, even Abrams has marveled at the heights of her political celebrity, quipping to a crowd of Vanderbilt University students: “I’m a really good loser.”

How will Georgia’s rollout of new voting machines go?

Georgia enters the new year with more scrutiny than ever into its voting system following the razor-thin contest between Kemp, who as secretary of state shaped Georgia’s voting policies, and Abrams, who accused the Republican of using his position to tilt the balance in his favor.

In his first months as governor, Kemp signed a bill that replaces Georgia’s outdated voting machines, extends the time before registrati­ons are canceled and prohibits precinct closures within 60 days of elections. But the debate infuriated critics who, among other problems, see the machines as inherently insecure.

State officials face a court-ordered deadline to get rid of the state’s 18-yearold paperless voting system before ballots are cast in 2020, and they are scrambling to set up more than 33,000 new voting machines that feature touch screen voting with printed ballots by the March 24 presidenti­al primary.

Pending litigation could force more changes, including a far-reaching lawsuit filed by Abrams’ voting rights group that seeks to halt voter registrati­on cancellati­ons, prevent ballot rejections and keep polling places open.

How will Georgia’s congressio­nal delegation change?

Georgia’s contingent in Washington has not faced this level of potential upheaval in more than a decade.

The senior-most Republican in Georgia’s U.S. House delegation, Tom Graves, abruptly announced his retirement in early December. The senior-most Democrat in Georgia’s U.S. House delegation, John Lewis, revealed he had late-stage pancreatic cancer a few weeks later.

An unpredicta­ble freefor-all formed in the race to replace another retiring Republican, U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall, in a Gwinnett County-based district that’s become one of the most competitiv­e in the nation.

And Democratic U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath faces a 2020 rematch against Republican Karen Handel after she flipped the seat straddling Atlanta’s northern suburbs in 2018.

There’s also a distinct possibilit­y of another vacancy as U.S. Rep. Doug Collins flirts with a Senate run against Loeffler, possibly with the support of the White House.

The Senate delegation is in just as much flux.

Isakson’s decision to retire because of mounting health issues ended his 45-year career in politics and left Georgia without one of the state’s most seasoned and respected lawmakers. His successor, Loeffler, is a financial executive who is little-known even to top Republican officials.

And U.S. Sen. David Perdue

faces his own challenges as he runs for what he’s said is his final term. At least four well-known Democrats have lined up to face the former Fortune 500 executive in 2020, and each has cast him as a hopeless Trump loyalist.

What will Gov. Brian Kemp do in his second year?

The first lifelong Republican elected as Georgia governor since Reconstruc­tion, Kemp spent his first year in the office pursuing a range of policies his predecesso­rs avoided.

He signed anti-abortion restrictio­ns that triggered threats of a Hollywood boycott and backed a health care overhaul that would add tens of thousands of low-income Georgians to the Medicaid rolls but stops short of the full expansion sought by Democrats and some Republican­s.

And he forced tough fiscal negotiatio­ns with a call for budget cuts of 4% and 6% over the next two years that could lead to hundreds of unfilled positions and a reduction in services.

He’ll begin 2020 with a call for tougher crackdowns on violent criminals and gang activity, veering from the eight-year effort by his predecesso­r, Nathan Deal, to overhaul the criminal justice system by reducing penalties for low-level offenders.

The governor will also have new chances for high-profile appointmen­ts after surprising even his critics with a drove of selections to top political and judicial posts that culminated with his selection of Loeffler to the U.S. Senate seat.

And he’ll be under pressure from conservati­ves who fueled his victory to fulfill his campaign promises to crack down on illegal immigratio­n, expand gun rights and adopt a “religious liberty” proposal in an election year.

How will Kelly Loeffler perform in the U.S. Senate?

When Loeffler applied for the open U.S. Senate seat in November, there was an immediate stir from her fellow Republican­s: Who is this financial executive, and what did she stand for?

A wave of apprehensi­on from conservati­ve activists followed as her critics pored through her financial records, raised concerns about potential ethical issues over her corporate ties and questioned whether she was a closet moderate.

The governor’s decision to tap her for the seat defied Trump’s pleas for Kemp to appoint Collins or another politicall­y tested conservati­ve to the post. Loeffler tried to calm those fears with promises to back Trump’s agenda and reach out to grassroots activists.

Still, her appointmen­t has sparked rifts within the Georgia GOP that will be hard to heal. Many local Republican leaders have pointedly not offered her an endorsemen­t, instead taking a wait-and-see approach to how she handles her first months on the job.

And as she prepares to take office in early January, she faces the possibilit­y of a challenge from Collins or another GOP rival, even as Democrats try to unite behind their own contender — whoever that may be — for the November special election.

Can Democrats flip Georgia and win its two Senate seats?

Not since Bill Clinton’s 1992 victory has a Democratic presidenti­al candidate carried the state. And no Democrat has won a statewide contest in Georgia since 2006.

Just about every cycle since then, the same question has been asked: “Is this the election that turns Georgia into a battlegrou­nd state?”

The answer was clear in years gone by, when national Democrats largely avoided Georgia and state candidates steered clear of national figures. But the tight 2018 election offered a different lesson, one that even top Republican­s dubbed a “wake-up call” for their party.

Democratic White House hopefuls swarmed the state with Georgia-centric appeals and lavished praise on Abrams, who warned it would be “political malpractic­e” to ignore the state. And local Democrats seized the chance to use November’s presidenti­al candidates debate in Georgia as a chance to showcase the party’s 2020 strategy.

Still, the Georgia GOP opens the year with huge advantages. Top Republican candidates have built lofty campaign accounts, hold all the levers of power in Georgia and will look to turn the Democratic-led impeachmen­t of Trump into a campaign battle cry.

Meanwhile, Democrats end the year with no clear front-runners in either Senate contest after Abrams and other prominent leaders passed on the chance to run. And many top party figures have yet to pick a side in the presidenti­al race as concerns grow about a drawn-out battle for the nomination.

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