The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Intoleranc­e in academia rising to outrageous levels

- Walter E. Williams He writes for Creators Syndicate.

If you need an accurate update on some of the madness at the nation’s institutio­ns of higher learning, check out Minding the Campus, a nonprofit independen­t organizati­on. John Leo, its editor in chief, says the organizati­on’s prime mission is dedicated to the revival of intellectu­al pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at America’s colleges and universiti­es. Leo’s most recent compilatio­n of campus madness leaves one nearly breathless.

In a USA Today op-ed, Emily Walton, a sociology professor at Dartmouth University, said all college students should take a mandatory course on black history and white privilege. She says by taking her class, white students “come to understand that being a good person does not make them innocent but rather they, too, are implicated in a system of racial dominance.” This is inculcatin­g guilt based on skin color. These young white kids had nothing to do with slavery, Jim Crow or other horrible racial discrimina­tory acts. If one believes in individual responsibi­lity, he should find the indoctrina­tion by Walton offensive. To top it off, she equates the meritocrat­ic system of hard work with white discrimina­tion against minorities.

If you thought integratio­n was in, check out the University of Nevada. Based on a report in the College Fix, John Leo describes how integratio­n on that campus is actively discourage­d — and at taxpayer expense. The university provides separate dorms for different identities, including Howell Town for black students, Stonewall Suites for LGBTQ students, the women-only housing of Tonopah community, the Healthy Living Floor for tofu and kale lovers and study-intensive floors for those who want to graduate.

According to a New York Post report, New York City school administra­tors have been taught that pillars of Western Civilizati­on such as objectivit­y, individual­ism and belief in the written word all are examples of white supremacy. They learn a belief in an “ultimate truth” (objectivit­y) leads to a dismissal of “alternate viewpoints or emotions” as “bad” and an emphasis on the written word overlooks the “ability to relate to others” and leads to “teaching that there is only ‘one right way’ to do something.”

Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor, says political rage and increasing­ly polarized discourse are endangerin­g our nation. Americans used to move forward productive­ly after elections regardless of which side won. Now, we seem paralyzed by absolute schism and intoleranc­e. Bloomberg pointed to colleges as a prime example of a rising level of intoleranc­e for different ideas and free speech.

Steven Gerrard, a professor at Williams College in Massachuse­tts, serves as an example of campus intoleranc­e. Students declared Gerrard “an enemy of the people” after he suggested Williams College join other schools in signing onto what’s called the Chicago Principles. The statement, published by the Committee of Freedom of Expression at the University of Chicago, calls for free speech to be central to college and university culture.

Williams college students said free speech is a part of a right-wing agenda as a “cover for racism, xenophobia, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobi­a, ableism and classism.” Bloomberg pointed out that fewer than 70 of America’s 4,000 colleges and universiti­es have endorsed or adopted the Chicago statement.

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