The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Tillerson’s insubordin­ation led Trump to tap Pompeo

(Rex) Tillerson’s North Korea strategy seemed to be to beg Pyongyang for talks.

- Marc Thiessen

There are many reasons Rex Tillerson’s tenure as secretary of state was a failure, from his notorious isolation from his subordinat­es to his failure to help quickly staff the political appointmen­t positions at State with competent Republican­s. But it was his insubordin­ation to the president that assured he wouldn’t be long in his position. With a summit with North Korea in the works, President Trump’s decision to oust Tillerson and replace him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo could not have come at a better moment.

Tillerson was completely out of step with Trump’s hard-line stance on North Korea, which ultimately brought Kim Jong Un to the bargaining table. Instead, Tillerson’s North Korea strategy seemed to be to beg Pyongyang for talks. Speaking at the Atlantic Council in December, Tillerson delivered this embarrassi­ng plea: “Let’s just meet. And we can talk about the weather if you want . ... But can we at least sit down and see each other face to face?” He might as well have added: “Pretty please, with sugar on top?”

Trump’s critics were constantly griping that the president was underminin­g Tillerson’s diplomatic efforts with North Korea, when in fact the opposite was true. Trump’s strategy has been to achieve a peaceful solution by getting Kim to understand the United States is ready to use force to stop him from deploying a nuclear interconti­nental ballistic missile capable of destroying an American city.

By projecting weakness to Pyongyang, Tillerson was undercutti­ng Trump’s message of strength — and thus making war more likely. The fact Tillerson could not seem to grasp this or get on the same page as his commander in chief made his continued leadership of the State Department untenable.

Pompeo, by contrast, is in lockstep with Trump in sending Kim a clear message that, should diplomacy fail, the United States will not hesitate to act. “The president is intent on delivering this solution through diplomatic means,” Pompeo told me during a recent conversati­on at the American Enterprise Institute. “We are equally, at the same time, ensuring that ... if we conclude that it is not possible, that we present the president with a range of options that can achieve what is his stated intention.”

As Trump put it, Tillerson had to go because “we were not thinking the same. With Mike Pompeo, we have a similar thought process.” Having a trusted adviser at State will be critical to the success of the biggest diplomatic gamble of Trump’s presidency: his upcoming talks with Kim.

At AEI, Pompeo told me the CIA assesses Kim is a rational actor — which means, given accurate informatio­n about the president’s intentions, Kim should make a rational decision that will not lead to the destructio­n of his regime. “We’re taking the real-world actions that we think will make [it] unmistakab­le to Kim Jong Un that we are intent on denucleari­zation,” Pompeo said. “We’re counting on the fact that he’ll see it. We’re confident that he will.” With Pompeo in office, Trump now has a much better chance of getting that message across to the North Korean dictator.

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