The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Health workers protected for beliefs

Reactions intense among Ga. activists, patients, providers.

- By Ariel Hart

The Trump administra­tion on Thursday announced a new federal health division designed to protect doctors, nurses and others who object to providing medical care such as abortions and sex-change operations, prompting intense reactions among Georgia activists, health care providers and patients.

All of them, even organizati­ons for medical providers, were still trying to digest the news Thursday afternoon and understand what exactly it would mean. But activists on behalf of conservati­ve religious groups rejoiced at the message it sent, even as those on behalf of people seeking such services voiced fear for what the patients would now encounter.

Cole Muzio, the president of the Family Policy Alliance of Georgia, hadn’t heard about Thursday’s announceme­nt but had heard rumors it was coming.

“It’s about time somebody looked out for religious freedom,” Muzio said. “I’m excited that the Trump administra­tion is taking the concerns of people of faith seriously. And that they’re willing to take active steps.”

While it was unclear Thursday what the impact on the ground would be, advocates on all sides said they expected patients and caregivers to start testing the new lines and find out.

One trainer to caregivers on transgende­r and gay health care issues said they already can deny care if it’s not life-threatenin­g. A spokeswoma­n for Planned Parenthood Southeast suggested that the government would explicitly protect caregivers for denying a referral to services the patient seeks, and that it would randomly send auditors to health facilities to ensure policies were in place to protect the caregivers.

“They’re proactivel­y going in to make sure there are mechanisms

where people can discrimina­te, as opposed to protecting against discrimina­tion — which is what they’re supposed to do,” said Barbara Ann Luttrell, the Planned Parenthood spokeswoma­n.

Luttrell called the lack of obligation to refer a patient to the correct provider dangerous. “And we think it’s unethical. ... It’s devastatin­g but not surprising,” she said.

The new organizati­on will be called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, and it will be placed in the existing Civil Rights Office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The civil rights workers traditiona­lly have enforced civil rights laws as they apply to ensuring health care and the privacy protection­s patients have under federal health privacy laws. The change was announced Thursday morning at a press conference in Washington attended by conservati­ve lawmakers including U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. The event took place the day before anti-abortion groups plan to hold marches and rallies both in Washington and in cities including Atlanta.

“For too long, too many of these health care workers have been bullied and discrimina­ted against,” Eric Hargan, the acting secretary of the health department, said at the news event.

The civil rights office’s leader, Roger Severino, said in a statement that “the new division will help guarantee that victims of unlawful discrimina­tion find justice.”

“For too long, government­s big and small have treated conscience claims with hostility instead of protection,” he said, “but change is coming and it begins here and now.”

Organizati­ons representi­ng some of Georgia’s care providers were scrambling to understand the new developmen­ts, all while attempting to respect the views of their members from urban to rural and conservati­ve to liberal.

The Georgia Hospital Associatio­n wasn’t taking a position on the new office, per se, said Ethan James, the executive vice president of external relations there.

“Many hospitals already do have those protocols in place to accommodat­e reasonable requests,” which would include religious ones, James said. “However, we also believe that no treatment or care for a patient should be compromise­d or interrupte­d at any time.”

The statewide organizati­on for doctors, the Medical Associatio­n of Georgia, “doesn’t have specific policy,” spokesman Tom Kornegay said. It does support the American Medical Associatio­n’s policy that “the relationsh­ip between a patient and a physician is based on trust, which gives rise to physicians’ ethical responsibi­lity to place patients’ welfare above the physician’s own self-interest or obligation­s to others, to use sound medical judgment on patients’ behalf, and to advocate for their patients’ welfare.”

Tanya Ditty, the state director of the conservati­ve Concerned Women for America of Georgia, said there are so many providers of different opinions that people shouldn’t worry that medical care will suffer, even for procedures her members oppose.

“To say you are limiting medical availabili­ty simply because someone won’t do a referral, I just don’t buy that argument,” Ditty said.

Genevieve Wilson, a spokeswoma­n for Georgia Right to Life, was glad to hear the news Thursday as she prepared for the anti-abortion march. Up to now the country has been “ignoring the Constituti­on, which is our foundation­al rights,” she said.

She added, “Our constituti­onally held rights trump medical care.”

Muzio said “the First Amendment applies to everybody.”

“It says we have a right to exercise our religion,” he said. “That doesn’t end when we leave the home and go to our workplace.”

Chanel Haley, a gender inclusion organizer for the group Georgia Equality, fears the new directive will hurt medical care because the lack of a referral to a new provider puts the burden on the patient to find the right provider.

Haley is transgende­r, and she has given training lectures to hospital workers and others on caring for groups including transgende­r patients. As for her own care, she needs drugs for both diabetes and hormone replacemen­t therapy, and she said there are very few endocrinol­ogists who will do both. Whether or not legal restrictio­ns on providers change, she said, behavior likely will.

“I think it’s just more putting discrimina­tion and hate to the forefront,” Haley said. “It will probably be more widespread now.”

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