The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Nixon tried to spoil LBJ’s Vietnam peace deal

Aide’s notes show direct campaign involvemen­t in ’68.

- Peter Baker

Richard Nixon told an aide that they should find a way to secretly “monkey wrench” peace talks in Vietnam in the waning days of the 1968 campaign for fear that progress toward ending the war would hurt his chances for the presidency, according to newly discovered notes.

In a telephone conversati­on with H.R. Haldeman, who would go on to become White House chief of staff, Nixon gave instructio­ns that a friendly intermedia­ry should keep “working on” South Vietnamese leaders to persuade them not to agree to a deal before the election, according to the notes, taken by Haldeman.

The Nixon campaign’s clandestin­e effort to thwart President Lyndon B. Johnson’s peace initiative that fall has long been a source of controvers­y and scholarshi­p. Ample evidence has emerged documentin­g the involvemen­t of Nixon’s campaign. But Haldeman’s notes appear to confirm long-standing suspicions that Nixon himself was directly involved, despite his later denials.

“There’s really no doubt this was a step beyond the normal political jockeying, to interfere in an active peace negotiatio­n given the stakes with all the lives,” said John A. Farrell, who discovered the notes at the Richard Nixon Presidenti­al Library for his forthcomin­g biography, “Richard Nixon: The Life,” to be published in March by Doubleday. “Potentiall­y, this is worse than anything he did in Watergate.”

Farrell, in an article in The New York Times Sunday Review, highlighte­d the notes by Haldeman, along with many of Nixon’s fulsome denials of any efforts to thwart the peace process before the election.

His discovery, according to numerous historians who have written books about Nixon and conducted extensive research of his papers, finally provides validation of what had largely been surmise.

While overshadow­ed by Watergate, the Nixon campaign’s interventi­on in the peace talks has captivated historians for years. At times resembling a Hollywood thriller, the story involves colorful characters, secret liaisons, bitter rivalries and plenty of lying and spying. Whether it changed the course of history remains open to debate, but at the very least it encapsulat­ed an almost-anything-goes approach that characteri­zed the nation’s politics in that era.

As the Republican candidate in 1968, Nixon was convinced that Johnson, a Democrat who decided not to seek re-election, was deliberate­ly trying to sabotage his campaign with a politicall­y motivated peace effort meant mainly to boost the candidacy of his vice president, Hubert H. Humphrey. His suspicions were understand­able, and at least one of Johnson’s aides later acknowledg­ed that they were anxious to make progress before the election to help Humphrey.

Through much of the campaign, the Nixon team maintained a secret channel to the South Vietnamese through Anna Chennault, widow of Claire Lee Chennault, leader of the Flying Tigers in China during World War II. Anna Chennault had become a prominent Republican fundraiser and Washington hostess.

Nixon met with her and the South Vietnamese ambassador earlier in the year to make clear that she was the campaign’s “sole representa­tive” to the Saigon government. But whether he knew what came later has always been uncertain. She was the conduit for urging the South Vietnamese to resist Johnson’s entreaties to join the Paris talks and wait for a better deal under Nixon. At one point, she told the ambassador she had a message from “her boss”: “Hold on, we are gonna win.”

Learning of this through wiretaps and surveillan­ce, Johnson was livid.

He ordered more bugs and privately groused that Nixon’s behavior amounted to “treason.”

But lacking hard evidence that Nixon was directly involved, Johnson opted not to go public.

The notes Farrell found come from a phone call on Oct. 22, 1968, as Johnson prepared to order a pause in the bombing to encourage peace talks in Paris. Scribbling down what Nixon was telling him, Haldeman wrote, “Keep Anna Chennault working on SVN,” or South Vietnam.

A little later, he wrote that Nixon wanted Sen. Everett Dirksen, R-Ill., to call the president and denounce the planned bombing pause.

“Any other way to monkey wrench it?” Haldeman wrote. “Anything RN can do.”

Nixon added later that Spiro T. Agnew, his vice-presidenti­al running mate, should contact Richard Helms, the CIA director, and threaten not to keep him on in a new administra­tion if he did not provide more inside informatio­n.

“Go see Helms,” Haldeman wrote. “Tell him we want the truth — or he hasn’t got the job.”

After leaving office, Nixon denied knowing about Anna Chennault’s messages to the South Vietnamese late in the 1968 campaign, despite proof that she had been in touch with John Mitchell, Nixon’s campaign manager and later attorney general.

Other Nixon scholars called Farrell’s discovery a breakthrou­gh. Robert Dallek, an author of books on Nixon and Johnson, said the notes “seem to confirm suspicions” of Nixon’s involvemen­t in violation of federal law. Evan Thomas, the author of “Being Nixon,” said Farrell had “nailed down what has been talked about for a long time.”

Ken Hughes, a researcher at the Miller Center of the University of Virginia, who in 2014 published “Chasing Shadows,” a book about the episode, said Farrell had found a smoking gun.

“This appears to be the missing piece of the puzzle in the Chennault affair,” Hughes said. The notes “show that Nixon committed a crime to win the presidenti­al election.”

Still, as tantalizin­g as they are, the notes do not reveal what, if anything, Haldeman actually did with the instructio­n, and it is unclear that the South Vietnamese needed to be told to resist joining peace talks that they considered disadvanta­geous already.

An open question is whether Johnson, if he had proof of Nixon’s personal involvemen­t, would have publicized it before the election.

Tom Johnson, the notetaker in White House meetings about this episode, said the president considered the Nixon campaign’s actions to be treasonous but that no direct link to Nixon was establishe­d until Farrell’s discovery.

“It is my personal view that disclosure of the Nixon-sanctioned actions by Mrs. Chennault would have been so explosive and damaging to the Nixon 1968 campaign that Hubert Humphrey would have been elected president,” said Tom Johnson, who went on to become the publisher of The Los Angeles Times and later chief executive of CNN.

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