The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Dad’s affair brings misery to his family and to him

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: My dad started an affair with a woman who is four years older than I am. He met her when he hired her for her “services.” Fast-forward a year: He has left my mom. Mom left the state and has moved in with me. She’s trying to rebuild her life, but she’s still very much in love with my dad.

Dad, on the other hand, is miserable. His girlfriend is controllin­g to the point that he’s not allowed to talk to his children or grandchild­ren. She’s an alcoholic who mentally, verbally and physically abuses him. He recently left her and came to stay at my house. He told Mom and me that he wanted a fresh start.

Abby, he was here for less than 48 hours and went back to the girlfriend! I am convinced that he either has a drug problem or he’s sick. He has lost an extreme amount of weight. I have no idea how to help him and I’m terrified that he is going to die.

Now he won’t talk to me. He left while I was at work so he wouldn’t have to face me. I don’t understand why he would come here only to turn right around and leave. I am disgusted, disappoint­ed and angry. Should I cut all ties with him until he gets his life together? — Disappoint­ed Daughter

Dear Disappoint­ed: Considerin­g what has been going on, your feelings are natural. However, because you are unsure about what is driving your father — addiction, illness, indecision, etc. — do not “cut all ties.” Leave the door ajar a little longer. There’s a saying, “it ain’t over till it’s over.” Victims sometimes need several attempts to leave their abusers, and your dad may be no exception.

Dear Abby: I have been dating a wonderful girl for about seven months. We’re sophomores in college. She’s sweet, kind, extraordin­arily talented, and we treat each other wonderfull­y. Everything has been great, with the occasional disagreeme­nt.

The problem is that I’m starting to notice that she seems to be homophobic. I was raised in a liberal, open-minded home, whereas hers was much more conservati­ve. She never met a homosexual until college. She has talked about feeling uncomforta­ble with two men kissing or talking about being intimate.

At first, I thought she’d be equally uncomforta­ble with straight couples doing the same thing, but she wasn’t. When I tell her that I support marriage equality and the LGBTQ community, she gets very quiet and uneasy.

I care for her, but I don’t know if I can be with someone who’s this uncomforta­ble about homosexual­ity. What do you think I should do? This is a very important issue to me, and I would love your insight. — Torn College Sophomore

Dear Torn: She may be a wonderful girl, but whether you are wonderful for each other is open to question. Try to project ahead. If the two of you were to marry and she was unable to overcome her aversion to gay people, to what extent would it limit your ability to interact with them? Or their ability to have a relationsh­ip with you?

Let this play out a little longer to see if she’s able to evolve with more exposure. If she’s not, then she may not be the one for you.

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