The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pro-Sanders, anti-fracking activists march,

Thousands take part in peaceful rallies in Philly.

- ByFeoffMul­vihill

PHILADELPH­IA— Thousands of demonstrat­ors took to Philadelph­ia’s sweltering streets Sunday, cheering, chanting and beating drums in the first major protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, as the city wilted during a heat wave.

Throngs of Bernie Sanders supporters marched downa main thoroughfa­re to show their support of him and disdain for Hillary Clinton ahead of the convention.

Chanting “Hell No, DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary” and“This iswhatdemo­cracy looks like,” the marchers headed fromCity Hall down BroadStree­t, themainnor­thsouth artery that leads from the city center to the convention site about 4 miles away.

Though planned for months, Sunday’s marches came as fractures appeared in the party that had been trying to display a show of unityin recentweek­s. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned Sunday as Democratic Party chair over an email suggesting theDNChadp­layedfavor­ites for Clinton during the primary. It was a stunning leadership shakeup as party officials gather in Philadelph­ia to nominate Clinton.

The Democrats had been trying to avoid the divide that was apparent in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention last week. But the hacked emails, published by Wikileaks, further fired up Sanders supporters, who long accused the party of favoring Clinton despite officially being neutral.

Sanders had called for Wasserman Schultz’s res- ignation, and said Sunday night shemadethe rightdecis­ion for the party’s future by resigning.

Darcy Samek, 54, traveled alone from Minneapoli­s to protest through the four-day convention. She said Wasserman Schultz has been a “miserable failure” who needed to be gone.

“Everyone kind of knew (the Democratic party was against Bernie Sanders), but that doesn’t mean it will change nowthat it’s proven. It’s just more of the same,” she said.

Philadelph­ia Police Commission­er Richard Ross and other officers walked alongside Sanders protesters. Ross said he liked what he saw Sunday: a peaceful protest.

The heat wave that descended on the city was showingnom­ercy, with temperatur­es reaching the high 90s and the city under an “excessive heat” warning by the National Weather Service. It’s expected to peak today, the convention’s first day, with temperatur­es possibly hitting 100 degrees, but feeling 108.

Earlier Sunday, thousands of clean energy activists jammed a downtown street in their mile-longmarchf­rom City Hall to Independen­ce Hall, near the Liberty Bell. They held anti-fracking and anti-pipeline signs, some with illustrati­ons like a train surrounded by a fireball and the words “No Exploding Trains.” Others held “Bernie or Bust” signs.

Sam Miller, 82, traveled from Erie, Pennsylvan­ia, to join themarch that stretched several blocks and across a wide street as temperatur­es in the city soared into the mid-90s. He said he was inspired because “fracking is invading Mother Earth.”

Like in Cleveland, police were using bicycles as barricades along the streets, and volunteers were handing out water to marchers. Shoppers cameout of stores to watch the march like a parade.

Chants of “Bernie! Bernie!” were met by counter echoes of “Hillary! Hillary!”

Some of the largest protests and demonstrat­ions start about 4 miles north of the arenawhere the conven- tion is being held. In Cleveland last week, most protests during the Republican National Convention were concentrat­ed in a tight, 1.7-square mile zone downtown. A heavy police presence and fewer than expected protesters helped keep the calm. There were only abouttwo dozen arrests and no significan­t injuries.

More than 5,000delegat­es are among the 50,000 people set to attend the gathering at the Wells Fargo Center in South Philadelph­ia, which is expected to culminate with Clinton being named the party’s nominee.

Some of the largest protests and demonstrat­ions start about 4 miles north of the arena where the convention is being held. In Cleveland last week, most protests during the Republican National Convention were concentrat­ed in a tight, 1.7-square mile zone downtown.

 ?? SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES ?? A bus supporting Bernie Sanders drives through downtown Philadelph­ia on Sunday before the start of the Democratic National Convention. The convention­officially begins today and is expected to attract thousands of protesters, members of themedia and Democratic delegates.
SPENCER PLATT / GETTY IMAGES A bus supporting Bernie Sanders drives through downtown Philadelph­ia on Sunday before the start of the Democratic National Convention. The convention­officially begins today and is expected to attract thousands of protesters, members of themedia and Democratic delegates.
 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO / AP ?? Protesters yell during a demonstrat­ion in downtown Sunday in Philadelph­ia. The city’s police commission­er said the protests were peaceful.
JOHN MINCHILLO / AP Protesters yell during a demonstrat­ion in downtown Sunday in Philadelph­ia. The city’s police commission­er said the protests were peaceful.

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