The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

South sees backlash against LGBT rights

Social conservati­ves get no help from traditiona­l allies.

- By Jeffrey Collins

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Year after year, South Carolina Sen. Lee Bright has watched as gays won more rights through legislatio­n and the courts. And as he sees proposals elsewhere in the U.S. aimed at allowing transgende­r people to use the bathroom that conforms to their identity, he says plenty of people feel just like he does.

“I’ve about had just about enough of this. Years ago, we kept talking about tolerance, tolerance and tolerance. And now they want men who claim to be women to go in the bathroom with children,” said Bright, who has proposed a bill to keep transgende­r people in restrooms conforming to their sex at birth.

Bright’s proposal is part of a backlash by lawmakers across the historical­ly conservati­ve South who have passed laws that LGBT groups say roll back their rights.

Mississipp­i’s governor signed a law that allows businesses to refuse services to gays; Georgia’s governor vetoed a similar bill passed by lawmakers. North Carolina’s governor signed a law that says transgende­r people can’t use the restroom that conforms to their identity — which inspired Bright’s bill — and also says local government­s can’t enact their own anti-discrimina­tion ordinances. Tennessee has passed a bill that allows counselors to refuse to treat LGBT people, and lawmakers there also are considerin­g a bill aimed at restrictin­g which public bathrooms transgende­r people can use.

However, they’ve found opponents where they might have once found allies. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Bright’s proposal was unnecessar­y. Corporate leaders by the dozen, most with global reach, have been pressuring the same conservati­ves who lured their companies.

And even the South has seen a cultural shift in the dozen years since 86 percent of Mississipp­i voters approved a ban on gay marriage. The region overall is more cosmopolit­an and less rural. And LGBT people are going public in increasing numbers, putting a personal face on an issue that could once be held at arm’s length.

Warren Redman-Gress, executive director of the Alliance for Full Acceptance, keeps all that in mind as he fights the new laws.

“Plenty of folks across the South are hurting — they feel their religious beliefs or heritage is being attacked. And they are looking to push back,” said Redman-Gress, whose group is based in Charleston, S.C. “But the support we are getting is quite encouragin­g.”

That support is finding one of the softest spots for conservati­ves is in their wallets. The usually Republican-friendly South Carolina Chamber of Commerce has vowed to spend money to defeat Bright in this year’s election.

“Senator Bright is trying to create a political crisis that doesn’t exist to save his political career. Meanwhile our state has real issues we need to address including crumbling roads,” chamber President Ted Pitts said in a statement.

People on Bright’s side of the issue have had more success in Mississipp­i and North Carolina, with supporters using a few different arguments. They say the Mississipp­i bill protects the freedom to run a business or a group without being told what to do by the government. In North Carolina, the law’s backers say they are trying to protect people from being in a bathroom with someone who makes them feel uncomforta­ble or could pose a danger.

But big business isn’t agreeing. PayPal canceled a major expansion in North Carolina. Opponents of the Mississipp­i bill are still organizing.

Conservati­ve lawmakers have long favored these kind of laws because they appeal to voters without costing much. But that might be changing, said Charles Bullock, a political science professor at the University of Georgia.

“A lot of them gave these companies incentives to come to their states. It’s not a very good return on your investment if you run them out,” Bullock said.

Supporters of the bills also have said they are trying to protect traditiona­l values and people who believe for religious reasons that homosexual­ity is a sin. After signing his state’s bill, Mississipp­i Gov. Phil Bryant said opponents of the measure need to “also understand that people of faith have rights.”

But the South isn’t nearly as homogeneou­s as it used to be. Since the Civil Rights era, cities like Atlanta and Charlotte, N.C., have become major urban centers. Smaller cities in the South have also grown rapidly as people migrate from elsewhere. The number of South Carolina residents who were born in the state fell from nearly 77 percent in 1970 to 59 percent in 2010. States across the South have seen similar trends.

“We are becoming more visible,” Redman-Gress said. “People now know gays and lesbians by working beside them or being in their families. They are finding out we’re not different. We have the same hopes and dreams and expectatio­ns out of life. And we pay the same taxes.”

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 ?? EMERY P. DALESIO / ASSOCIATED PRESS MARCH 2016 ?? Protesters demonstrat­e in Raleigh, N.C., after North Carolina’s governor signed a law that says transgende­r people can’t use the restroom that conforms to their identity and also says local government­s can’t enact their own anti-discrimina­tion...
EMERY P. DALESIO / ASSOCIATED PRESS MARCH 2016 Protesters demonstrat­e in Raleigh, N.C., after North Carolina’s governor signed a law that says transgende­r people can’t use the restroom that conforms to their identity and also says local government­s can’t enact their own anti-discrimina­tion...

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