The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Clinton kicks off 2016 campaign, heads to Iowa next

Candidate vows to fight for everyday Americans’ dreams.

- By Ken Thomas and Lisa Lerer

Hillary Rodham Clinton opened her bid for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president by positionin­g herself as the heir to the diverse coalition of voters who elected her predecesso­r, as well as with an appeal to those in her party still leery of her commitment to fighting income inequality,

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton jumped back into presidenti­al politics on Sunday, making a much-awaited announceme­nt she will again seek the White House with a promise to serve as the “champion” of everyday Americans.

Clinton opened her bid for the 2016 Democratic nomination by positionin­g herself as the heir to the diverse coalition of voters who elected her immediate predecesso­r and former campaign rival, President Barack Obama, as well as an appeal to those in her party still leery of her commitment to fighting income inequality.

And unlike eight years ago, when she ran as a candidate with a deep resume in Washington, Clinton and her personal history weren’t the focus of the first message of her campaign. She made no mention of her time in the Senate and four years as secretary of state, or the prospect she could make history as the nation’s first female president.

Instead, the video is a collection of voters talk- ing about their lives, their plans and aspiration­s for the future. Clinton doesn’t appear until the very end.

“I’m getting ready to do something, too. I’m running for president,” Clinton said. “Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.

“Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion, so you can do more than just get by. You can get ahead and stay ahead.”

It’s a message that also made an immediate play to win over the support of liberals in her party for whom economic inequality has become a defining issue. They remain skeptical of Clinton’s close ties to Wall Street and the centrist economic policies of the administra­tion of her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Many had hoped Clinton would face a challenge from Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has said she will not run.

“It would do her well electorall­y to be firmly on the side of average working people who are working harder than ever and still not getting ahead,” said economist Robert Reich, a former labor secretary during the Clinton administra­tion who has known Hillary Clinton for nearly five decades.

Unlike some of the Republican­s who have entered the race, Clinton’s video and new website are scant on policy specifics. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, for example, kicked off his campaign with a website and online videos that described his positions on an array of domestic and foreign policy issues.

Clinton also began her campaign for president in 2007 with a video, followed by a splashy rally in Des Moines where she said, “I’m running for president, and I’m in it to win it.” This time around, Clinton will instead head this week to the first-to-vote Iowa, looking to connect with voters directly at a community college and small business roundtable in two small towns.

“When families are strong, America is strong. So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote. Because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me on this journey,” she said in the video.

 ??  ?? In a video posted on hillarycli­ on Sunday, Hillary Rodham Clinton announces her campaign for president in a bid to succeed President Obama, her 2008 primary rival.
In a video posted on hillarycli­ on Sunday, Hillary Rodham Clinton announces her campaign for president in a bid to succeed President Obama, her 2008 primary rival.

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