The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Rand Paul begins presidenti­al run

Tea party favorite criticizes GOP and Democrats.

- By Philip Elliott and Adam Beam

Sen. Rand Paul launched his 2016 presidenti­al campaign with a combative challenge both to Washington and his fellow Republican­s,

LOUISVILLE, KY. — Sen. Rand Paul launched his 2016 presidenti­al campaign Tuesday with a combative challenge both to Washington and his fellow Republican­s, cataloguin­g a lengthy list of what ails America and pledging to “take our country back.”

Paul’s fiery message, delivered in his home state of Kentucky before he flew to four early-nominating states, was designed to broaden his appeal outside of the typical GOP coalition as well as motivate supporters of his father’s two unsuccessf­ul bids for the Republican presidenti­al nomination.

In a 26-minute speech that sought to eviscerate ”the Washington machine,” he spared neither Republican nor Democrat as he attempted to tap into Americans’ deep frustratio­ns with their gov- ernment.

“I worry that the opportunit­y and hope are slipping away for our sons and daughters,” the tea party favorite said. “As I watch our once-great economy collapse under mounting spending and debt, I think, ‘What kind of America will our grandchild­ren see?’ ”

He added: “It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame.”

By criticizin­g fellow Republican­s, Paul showed he was ready to run a tough-talking campaign.

“Big government and debt doubled under a Republican administra­tion,” Paul said in a swipe at former President George W. Bush, whose brother, Jeb, is expected to be a rival for the GOP nomination. “And it’s now tripling under Barack Obama’s watch.”

In a jab at rivals like Jeb Bush who are considered more mainstream, he added: “If we nominate a candidate who is simply Democrat Lite, what’s the point?”

Paul promised a government restrained by the Constituti­on and beholden no more to special interests.

“I have a message, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We have come to take our country back,” he told cheering supporters.

Paul is a fierce critic of Washington, where he is in his first term as a senator, but often not in line with his party’s leadership. A banner over the stage in Louisville proclaimed: “Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream.”

 ?? DANIEL ACKER / BLOOMBERG ?? Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, formally announces his presidenti­al campaign Tuesday at the Galt House hotel in Louisville, Ky.
DANIEL ACKER / BLOOMBERG Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, formally announces his presidenti­al campaign Tuesday at the Galt House hotel in Louisville, Ky.

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