The Arizona Republic

Arizonans are urged to fill out census

Undercount could hurt the state, officials warn

- Maria Polletta

Arizona has just 13 days to boost its lackluster census response rate of 89%, which could affect everything from money to pay for infrastruc­ture to representa­tion in Congress.

And Gov. Doug Ducey seems to have no plans to add his voice to the chorus of leaders pressing to push the deadline out until at least Oct. 31.

Instead, he and U.S. Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham assembled a group of local, state and federal officials on Thursday morning to urge Arizona households — in both English and Spanish — to submit their questionna­ires online, by phone or by mail by the end of the month.

“(The census) is instrument­al to the proper functionin­g of our republican government and has been so for 230plus years,” Ducey said at the news conference, calling its completion “the civic responsibi­lity of every household in the country.”

“With 13 days left to go, we have one clear message for all Arizonans: If you haven’t yet completed your census, do so now,” he said. “You matter, and you deserve to be counted.”

Pandemic, federal decisions complicate outreach

The 89% Arizona response rate cited by officials on Thursday includes both “self-responses,” meaning questionna­ires independen­tly submitted by households, and “enumerator-collected responses,” meaning answers gathered by census workers.

As of Tuesday, about 63% of Arizona households had responded independen­tly, according to the Census Bureau, lower than the national self-response rate of 66%. The overall national response rate is 93%.

Self-response rates historical­ly are lower among rural communitie­s and communitie­s of color and rural communitie­s, and this year’s COVID-19 pandemic has further complicate­d efforts to accurately count those groups.

La Paz and Apache counties, for instance, had self-response rates under 30% this week, and predominan­tly Black and Latino south Phoenix neighborho­ods had lower response rates than the city at large.

The Trump administra­tion also threw a wrench into outreach efforts when it pushed for a controvers­ial question on citizenshi­p status, and when it announced last month it would accelerate data collecting and shorten the filing deadline to Sept. 30.

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has proposed a bill that would require the Census Bureau to continue counting through at least Oct. 31 and extend by four months the legal reporting deadlines for results, but the future of that legislatio­n remains unclear.

Ducey on Thursday acknowledg­ed that “there have been real challenges” for census workers attempting to get an accurate count this year, noting that 450 federal employees had “parachuted into Arizona over the last several days … to help us complete the effort.”

But he did not indicate he intended to advocate for an extension. “We have to play within the rules the federal government sets,” he said. “We’re confident we can have success in doing that.”

Arizona has a lot to lose

The consequenc­es of an Arizona undercount could be dramatic and lasting.

Because the federal government uses

census responses to distribute more than $675 billion each year to states and cities, an incomplete count could cost the state cash for programs such as Medicare, Title 1 school funding, highway constructi­on and lower-income housing subsidies.

Even a 1% undercount would mean a loss of at least $620 million over the next 10 years, according to the Governor’s Office, which could further devastate communitie­s reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Federal officials also use census data to determine the number of House seats apportione­d to each state, as well as correspond­ing electoral votes in presidenti­al elections.

Arizona has gained at least one House seat in Congress following each census since 1960, because the state has gained population relative to other states. If Arizona’s census numbers don’t reflect its fast-growing population, it could lose out on an additional seat in Congress.

Debbie Johnson, chair of the Arizona Complete Count Committee, said the group’s “final push” for responses includes a text message campaign targeting historical­ly hard-to-count communitie­s.

The committee already partnered with cities and communitie­s to distribute census materials in English and Spanish, Johnson said. It also put out public service announceme­nts, organized a hospital initiative with newborns, attached census informatio­n to vehicle registrati­on renewals and oversaw a campaign focused on foster parents.

“The 2020 census matters,” she said. “Every individual counted will help shape the future of our state.”

How to participat­e

Those who haven’t filled out the census may visit my2020cens­ and enter the 12-digit code mailed to them by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Census Bureau also sent paper forms to Arizonans who haven’t responded. Those can be filled out and returned by mail.

Those without a code or access to internet may call 844-330-2020 and answer by phone.

 ?? PATRICK BREEN/THE REPUBLIC ?? Gov. Doug Ducey and other Arizona officials fear that an undercount in the 2020 census will adversely affect the state.
PATRICK BREEN/THE REPUBLIC Gov. Doug Ducey and other Arizona officials fear that an undercount in the 2020 census will adversely affect the state.

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