The Arizona Republic

Counterfei­t pills are on the rise in Arizona

- Stephanie Innes Arizona Republic USA TODAY NETWORK

Fake pills disguised as medication pose an increasing and deadly threat in Arizona, law enforcemen­t and pharmaceut­ical experts said Thursday. Panel participan­ts included Sen. Martha McSally and Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone.

Fake pills disguised as medication, such as painkiller­s and Xanax, are posing a deadly threat in Arizona, a group of law enforcemen­t and pharmaceut­ical experts said on Thursday.

The eight experts, including Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone, Phoenix pharmacist Randle House and Arizona’s U.S. Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion special agent in charge Doug Coleman, met with U.S. Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., to ask for help with controllin­g the drug-supply chain in Arizona.

“As we have the conversati­on about access to health care, out-of-pocket costs for drugs and border security, this is an element that needs to be elevated,” McSally said. “There is a counterfei­t industry out there. It could be deadly to you and your loved ones. And we’ve got to work together as a whole society to be able to stop it.”

But it’s a complicate­d problem, as drug costs escalate and people turn to foreign sources to get their drugs, and as doctors increasing­ly are reluctant to prescribe painkiller­s due to government crackdowns in reaction to the opioid crisis.

“What we’ve seen over the last three years is a doubling of the amount of fentanyl that we’re seizing,” Coleman said. “Clearly, the cartels have realized that we want it, and they have ramped up their manufactur­ing.”

Penzone and others emphasized that while counterfei­t drugs are a big problem, they are affecting Americans in very different ways.

There is not one single narrative that covers it all, he said.

“It may be one umbrella, but it’s many different lanes,” he said. McSally agreed. She said there is some pending legislatio­n related to lowering Part D Medicare prescripti­on costs that are making drugs unaffordab­le for some seniors.

She’s also supportive of a bipartisan proposal under considerat­ion by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee that would allow generic drugs to enter the market more quickly to prevent pharmaceut­ical manufactur­ers from having a monopoly.

“What we’ve seen is abuse of loopholes and a variety of different behaviors once the initial (drug) patent has expired,” McSally said. “The intent is (to) bring down the price, more accessibil­ity, more competitio­n and allow people to get medicines that they need. I think there’s a second bucket of objectives related to stopping the illicit flow across the border. That is a border security, port of entry issue.”

Here are seven things about the problem that consumers need to know.

Drug cartels traffic fake pain medication­s made with fentanyl

In 2015, the United States began to see an influx of counterfei­t pain medication­s made with fentanyl, a substance that is very cheap, often made in China, and also very deadly.

One well-known death was the singer Prince, who died in 2016 after taking fake Vicodin laced with fentanyl.

“As of today, the crisis has been so fast to spread. We found and documented counterfei­t pills in 48 states, and they’ve killed people in 33,” said Shabbir Imber Safdar, executive director of California-based The Partnershi­p for Safe Medicines, who led Thursday’s meeting with McSally. “One milligram is therapeuti­c fentanyl. Two milligrams is fatal, so it’s really hard for these garage, or even cartel manufactur­ers, to get it right.”

Counterfei­t pill connection­s have been discovered in both Canada and Mexico, he said. The Washington Post reported last year that authoritie­s in New York indicted a suspected Mexican drug kingpin for what they said was traffickin­g enough fentanyl to kill 10 million people.

“We see pills all the time that could easily pass for a prescripti­on pill coming right out of a pharmacy,” Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb said. “It’s just too unsafe to check a lot of these pills. So now we have to send it to the DPS (Arizona Department of Public Safety) lab, which overwhelms the lab because all of us are sending it there. So we’re not getting results back for six months. Prosecutio­n is delayed and it inhibits the investigat­ion moving forward.”

It’s not uncommon for deputies in Lamb’s department to find 20,000 or 30,000 pills in one stop along the I-10 corridor, he said.

Opioid crackdown leaves unintended consequenc­es

To address the opioid crisis, Arizona in 2018 passed the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act. It puts a five-day limit on an initial opioid prescripti­on. There have been unintended consequenc­es of the prescripti­on crackdown, the experts told McSally.

In some cases, the difficulty finding opioids are sending people who use illicit drugs to methamphet­amine. In other cases, people desperate for and dependent on opioids are buying fake versions and suffering for it.

McSally said she noticed the same issues on a recent visit to Mohave County, which has been hard-hit by the opioid crisis.

“You have people who are addicted who just have no place to go to get the treatment they need in order to get off the addiction,” McSally said.

“Then you have patients with legitimate, lifelong medical conditions who are in a rural area and because of this one-size-fits all (policy), they can’t get access to the medicine they need. ... The impact it is having on these peoples’ lives is very significan­t, an unintended consequenc­e of trying to crack down on the bad actors.”

Phoenix pharmacy owner Randle House suggested the creation of a medical opioid card, similar to a medical marijuana card, though others at the discussion said that could bring all sorts of other problems.

They are not as illegal, as well prosecuted or at least as identifiab­le as counterfei­t drugs, Safdar said. Cartels and others who have the pill presses have been making drugs that look very authentic, he said.

It’s not just fake opioids and painkiller­s

Lamb said he noticed at least a doubling in the amount of methamphet­amine circulatin­g in his community. Others at the discussion with McSally talked about counterfei­t birth control they’d encountere­d. Safdar said he’s particular­ly worried about fake Adderall, since the drug is popular with teenagers who think it will help them focus while studying.

But counterfei­t Adderall is being made with methamphet­amine and it’s extremely dangerous, he said.

“Adderall and meth is a bad thing, but Adderall is extremely dangerous because it’s traded by teenagers and college students very willy nilly,” he said. “Teenagers make even worse decisions than the rest of us.”

High drug prices lead some Americans to cheaper counterfei­ts

It’s no secret that drug prices are rising and that some insurance companies don’t cover drugs that patients need. For that reason, consumers are seeking cheaper medication­s in other ways.

House does not see the problem as originatin­g with drug manufactur­ers. Rather, it’s the pharmacy benefit managers hired by insurance companies to manage drug spending.

But whoever is at fault, consumers are going to Mexico, Canada and online to find less expensive drugs. And House does not think importing drugs is the answer.

“Pharmacy benefit managers are not regulated,” House said. “You are starting to see a lot more states enact legislatio­n to do that. That is a number one facet to focus on and look at.”

Retired Phoenix Police Detective Sgt. David Lake said consumers should also be wary of buying prescripti­on medication in Mexico.

“Anyone who goes to Mexico (for medicine) is literally flipping a coin on whether they are getting real medicine,” said Lake, founder and CEO of the Center on Shadow Economics. “And there’s no recourse if you don’t get your medicine.”

Counterfei­t cancer drugs have been in circulatio­n in Arizona

A criminal supply chain in Canada reached a no jail plea deal with the U.S. over selling crossborde­r counterfei­t drugs, including the cancer drug Avastin, in 2018, Safdar said.

“It was a plea bargain because the criminal was in Canada and you can’t extradite people for fake cancer drugs,” Safdar said. “The terms for cocaine, methamphet­amine, fentanyl you can get extradited in a heartbeat for that. But not for counterfei­t therapeuti­c drugs. That’s the treaty we made with them.” It’s hard to prove guilt those cases because in often evidence is destroyed. Also, because the patients have cancer, the defendants will often argue that it was the cancer, and not the counterfei­t medicine, that killed them, Safdar said.

He cited the example of a Chandler woman, Betty Hunter, who died in 2011 of advanced lung cancer, but who had received an infusion of counterfei­t Avastin at a local doctor’s office. The Turkish suppliers who provided the Avastin to the doctor’s office were eventually prosecuted.

Criminal wholesaler­s who have participat­ed in such scams have called or faxed doctors’ offices, offering steep discounted brand-name drugs, Safdar explained. If the label looks right, medical providers will go ahead and administer it, he said.

“The only reason we know that Betty Hunter had a counterfei­t cancer drug is because she had a reaction,” Safdar said. “The FDA went over to the office and grabbed a supply from the refrigerat­or and had it tested.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on July 31 issued a proposal to import some cheaper drugs from Canada. But Safdar said there are real patient safety concerns with that because in some states that have tried importing drugs from Canada, the drugs did not end up originatin­g in Canada.

“We’re really worried that corners will be cut in the excitement about getting cheap drugs,” Safdar said. “That’s maybe a good place for congressio­nal oversight.”

While Canadian pharmacies all do everything legally, there are criminal entities online posing as Canadian and selling fake and substandar­d medication­s that care not from Canada’s drug supply chain. And they are smart enough not to sell to Canadians, Safdar said.

 ?? TOM TINGLE/THE REPUBLIC ?? Arizona Sen. Martha McSally talks about counterfei­t drugs and health care Thursday in Phoenix with Randle House, left, owner operator of Metier Pharmacy; and Shabbir Imber Safdar, center, executive director of the Partnershi­p for Safe Medicines.
TOM TINGLE/THE REPUBLIC Arizona Sen. Martha McSally talks about counterfei­t drugs and health care Thursday in Phoenix with Randle House, left, owner operator of Metier Pharmacy; and Shabbir Imber Safdar, center, executive director of the Partnershi­p for Safe Medicines.
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