The Arizona Republic

Man involved in two affairs

- In the middle in New York – Dad – Juggling in Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Abby: My son has taken it upon himself to get romantical­ly involved with two different married women. He’s newly divorced after a long marriage and hates the idea of being alone. He says he loves them both, but realizes there’s no future with either one, so he’s trying to extricate himself from the jam he’s gotten into. The problem is, the women refuse to let go, and it’s causing all sorts of problems. Any ideas?

Dear Dad: If you stay out of this mess.

He doesn’t love either of those women; he loves what he’s getting from them – attention, companions­hip, sex. Because they are married, he doesn’t have to worry about them wanting a commitment from him as a single woman might. are smart, you’ll

Dear Abby: I am 15 and my mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. My two older sisters are away in college, and my dad works all the time. How should I balance taking care of Mom, doing schoolwork and playing field hockey? I wish I could give each task my full attention, but I’m not going to be home much because of school.

Dear Juggling: You are so young, and I can only imagine the stress you are feeling.

If you were discussing this with your mother, I am sure she would tell you – as I am – how important it is that you keep up with your schoolwork and activities. Who will help her during her treatments, and how much time you should devote, is something both your parents should help you to determine.

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