The Arizona Republic

Breaking the connection between diabetes, cancer

- Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen

Diabetes. We know many of you get anxious about it because it can lead to heart attack, blindness, gastrointe­stinal problems, depression, kidney dysfunctio­n and chronic neuropathy. We know you wish you didn’t have to deal with it. That may be why almost half of you fail to meet your blood sugar control goals, which could help you dodge those complicati­ons.

But Type 2 diabetes is a reality for 31 million U.S. citizens (more than 7.2 million are not yet diagnosed). There also are 84 million folks with pre-diabetes (which has its own serious health risks), and one-third of them will develop full-blown Type 2. If you’re in one of those groups, listen up. The way to check diabetes off your worry list is to face it down and beat it — and you can. Here’s a little fuel:

If dodging blindness, dementia, heart attack, stroke and nerve pain aren’t incentive enough to get you to make the lifestyle adjustment­s and take the medication­s that can prevent, control and even reverse Type 2 diabetes, a new study ups the ante. A global review by the George Institute for Global Health involving almost 20 million people found that having diabetes significan­tly raises the risk of developing cancer, and for women the increased risk is especially elevated.

Women with diabetes are 27 percent more likely to develop any form of cancer than women without diabetes. For men with diabetes, the risk is 19 percent higher. In addition, compared to men with diabetes, women’s risk of kidney cancer is 11 percent higher, oral cancer is 13 percent higher, stomach cancer 14 percent higher, and leukemia 15 percent higher.

Why are women more vulnerable? The researcher­s theorize it may be that women remain pre-diabetic with impaired glucose tolerance two years longer on average than men.

And for both men and women, what is the connection between diabetes and cancer? Apparently, elevated blood glucose contribute­s to DNA damage and those genetic mutations fuel cancer.

For pre-diabetes, lifestyle upgrades can reduce your risk of developing fullblown diabetes by 58 percent; medication­s are successful only about 31 percent of the time. And for those with full-blown Type 2 diabetes, at Dr. Mike’s Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, 60 percent of folks who follow an intensive treatment program can achieve and maintain an A1C of 5 to 5.8 percent.

So, now’s the time to:

❚ Aim to lose 7 percent of your body weight.

❚ If you haven’t been exercising regularly, walk 30 minutes a day now (it cuts your risk of developing full-blown diabetes by 30 percent) and work up to 10,000 steps a day. If you already have diabetes, multiple studies find that regular exercise can reduce glucose levels significan­tly, as well as the need for medication­s.

❚ Don’t stop with walking. Do strength/muscle building exercises two days a week for 20-30 minutes.

If those steps can help you prevent, reverse or control diabetes and dodge cancer, that’s a double benefit. You can do it.

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