The Arizona Republic

#RedForEd turning its efforts to Nov. ballot

Initiative aims to tax wealthy to fund schools

- Ricardo Cano

Arizona’s historic teacher walkout was a political awakening for the #RedForEd movement’s rank-and-file educators.

Now, they’ve vowed to use their newfound power to fully restore the $1 billion in education funding cuts endured since the recession — taking the movement to the ballot box.

The unpreceden­ted wave of teacher activism, born out of frustratio­n over stagnant pay and low student funding, will turn its focus toward a $690 million November ballot effort that would increase income taxes on the wealthiest 1 percent of Arizonans to fund education, organizers said.

“We’ve won the first battle, but now we must win the war,” Noah Karvelis, Arizona Educators United organizer, told hundreds of educators outside the Capitol on Thursday, the walkout’s sixth and final day.

The teacher walkout — the nation’s largest in recent history — was a lastresort effort coordinate­d by Arizona Educators United, the grass-roots

teacher-led group, and Arizona Education Associatio­n, the state’s teachers’ union, to pressure lawmakers to address their funding demands.

At its peak, Arizona’s historic six-day walkout closed 1,000-plus schools, attracted more than 50,000 protesters and impacted 850,000 students.

The walkout itself didn’t produce any new education funding — Gov. Doug Ducey proposed a 20 percent teacher raise plan before the walkout began, and lawmakers didn’t bow to educators’ push for more.

But the rapid spread of the #RedForEd movement and the threat of the walkout spurred Ducey’s #20by2020 proposal, and appeared to keep it alive as some lawmakers challenged the plan’s financial stability.

Ducey in January had proposed a budget that included the second half of a promised 2 percent teacher stipend, plus $100 million for things such as textbooks, technology or additional staff raises.

#RedForEd began in March.

Ducey announced the #20by2020 proposal a day after more than 100,000 educators and their supporters participat­ed in peaceful “walkin” demonstrat­ions at schools across the state.

The budget that lawmakers passed and Ducey signed largely mirrored the governor’s proposal. It provides $400 million for public schools — the most significan­t increase in education funding in more than a decade.

That includes about $273 million aimed at giving teacher pay raises next year, and $100 million in capital funding that could be used to pay for things such as new textbooks, buses or support-staff pay increases.

“I think the priority became, and it became very clear, that we needed to address this teacher-pay issue and we needed to do it in a significan­t way,” Ducey said. “That, combined with some positive economic news … allowed us to adjust and visit with the teachers and say we can deliver on this 20 percent pay increase, we just can’t deliver on it today.”

He called the final budget “a big win for these teachers.”

“Kids are now back in the classrooms, so it’s going to be a win for them, and it’s a win for the parents because now they won‘t have to worry about day care or the inconvenie­nce and pressures that happen when there is a strike,” he said.

The budget, though, falls short of the funding demands educators say remain a desperate need for Arizona’s public schools and students.

At a Thursday-morning rally, Karvelis and Joe Thomas, president of the Arizona Education Associatio­n, blasted the Legislatur­e for not supporting budget amendments proposed by Democratic lawmakers they said “would’ve made our schools so much better.”

The amendments, which included capping classroom sizes at 25 students and giving 10 percent pay increases to support staff, had little chance of passing the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e.

Despite that loss, organizers credited the increase in education funding to the power and pressure the #RedForEd movement placed on state leaders.

“Let’s be really clear about something: One of the better budgets that we’ve seen for education was passed last night, but it was no thanks to the people who sat in those seats,” Karvelis said, referring to the Legislatur­e. “It was thanks to us. We did that.”

Biggest win was for the movement

Supporters of the #RedForEd movement, which erupted publicly just eight weeks ago, said their biggest win from the walkout was not gained on the floors of the House or Senate.

Their win came from outside.

Throughout the walkout, teachers and their supporters marveled at — and gained confidence from — the public display of their determinat­ion to unite and mobilize.

Tens of thousands dressed in red and marched through the streets of downtown Phoenix in near-tripledigi­t heat on the first day of the walkout.

Thousands gathered at the Capitol each day. Hundreds crowded the galleries of the Arizona House and Senate as lawmakers debated education issues.

And in the final moments of the walkout, hundreds more waited through the night and early morning in the Capitol courtyard during a marathon budget session. “I think you’ve just heard the beginning of the lion,” said Tina McReynolds, an Alhambra Elementary School District music teacher. “I think (the) lion has shown you that it’s angry, it’s pulled out its claws, and if it needs to it’s ready to pull them out again.”

Counting some losses

As the walkout grew longer, so too did the #RedForEd movement’s risk of losing the critical public support — from parents, community members and school administra­tors — gained through weeks of grassroots organizati­on.

While schools and parents had time to plan in advance for the first two school days of the walkout, the rest of the four days was a hodgepodge of late-afternoon or evening notices of closures for the next day.

Parents were left scrambling to find another day of child care and worrying about how an ongoing walkout might impact summer plans. Some supporters peeled off.

On the fifth day of the walkout, nearly 20 Arizona school districts — including some of the state’s largest — had said they would reopen the next day, seemingly under the belief that the budget would be resolved and teachers would be ready to return.

As legislativ­e debate dragged on, teachers announced they would remain at the Capitol and the schools had to tell parents they’d remain closed another day.

And while many teachers favored a walkout, others didn’t, because they believed the potential negative impact on their students’ learning outweighed the desire to walk out.

The state of fluidity inconvenie­nced thousands of parents, such as LeeAnn Moore, who has two children in the Chandler Unified School District.

Moore said she supported teachers’ intentions in the #RedForEd walkout and felt much of the responsibi­lity for the duration of the walkout rested on state lawmakers.

But the most frustratin­g element for Moore and her family had been having to wait every day to find out whether everything would return to normal the next day.

“At first, I was excited to see such a movement come together and make a statement,” Moore said Tuesday. “But as every day goes on, I’m just upset.”

The walkout also spurred the creation of a Facebook page, #PurpleForP­arents. According to the page’s bio, the group “was created to give a voice to parents, fellow educators, kids and taxpayers that support our teachers but not the #RedForEd walkout!!!”

Some Republican lawmakers have suggested the #RedForEd movement is partisan and have criticized some of AEU’s organizers.

State Rep. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa, one of the most vocal critics of the #RedForEd movement, introduced a trio of amendments that appeared to target the teacher activism effort.

One of the amendments would have prohibited teachers from using classroom time to espouse political ideology and fined them up to $5,000 if they were found in violation.

During her closing comments, after the three amendments failed, Townsend grew emotional while talking about the people negatively affected by #RedForEd. She said she received “hundreds” of messages from people opposed to the walkout.

Townsend said she has always supported teachers. But when she spoke against #RedForEd, she said, she got nasty messages.

“This is incredulou­s, that I somehow hate teachers or that I’m attacking teachers,” Townsend said.

Plans for November

Education issues are expected to dominate the upcoming election, and #RedForEd organizers hope it will use its newfound influence to motivate thousands of parents, teachers and public-education advocates to go to the polls.

At a rally outside the outside the Capitol Thursday — hours after Ducey signed the budget — AEU and AEA leaders said the next step in the #RedForEd movement is supporting the Invest in Education Act initiative.

Organizers said that the proposal, coupled with the increases in education funding gained through the budget, would be enough to fully restore the state’s decadelong, $1 billion funding shortfall.

The proposal is the first to try to put the issue on the 2018 ballot — where Ducey and numerous state lawmakers face re-election and voters will also consider the future of the state’s Empowermen­t Scholarshi­p Account voucher program.

Invest in Education

Act supporters must gather 150,642 valid signatures by July 5 to qualify for the ballot, and will likely face a well-funded opposition campaign. The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry has already come out against the act.

“Should this measure to dramatical­ly hike income taxes secure a spot on the ballot, we will oppose it strongly, and we will urge Arizona voters to do the same,” Glenn Hamer, the chamber’s president and CEO, said in a statement shortly after the announceme­nt of the ballot effort.

Rebecca Garelli, an AEU organizer and Alhambra school district teacher, said Thursday that AEU organizers will spend the weekend training educators on how to gather signatures for the Invest in Education proposal.

Garelli said organizers plan to set a goal that will be well above the required number of valid signatures.

“We’re just going to try to blow it out of the water,” Garelli told The Arizona

Republic. “We’re going to try to mass mobilize the biggest volunteer effort that Arizona has ever seen and continue to make history that way.”

Although it required significan­t effort in Arizona’s blazing heat, opponents of a legislativ­e expansion of Empowermen­t Scholarshi­p Accounts successful­ly collected required signatures during a similar period of time last summer to get that issue on this November’s ballot.

John Shovestull, an algebra teacher in Glendale, said he’s looking forward to what he believes should be the #RedForEd movement’s next step.

“The first thing we need to do is support some of the ballot initiative­s, and then look for education-friendly candidates to run on the issues that we’re having issues with,” Shovestull said.

Action beyond ballot effort

Several educators individual­ly said they will focus their efforts on voting out state lawmakers who do not support public education. At Thursday’s rally, hundreds broke out in a chant: “Vote them out. Vote them out.”

After the rally, the educators stayed as the #RedForEd Spirit Band played a rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In.”

The educators sang altered lyrics: “When Red for Ed goes marching on. When Red for Ed goes marching on. We will be back to vote in November. When Red for Ed goes marching on.”

Several educators said the issue of more education funding transcende­d political-party affiliatio­ns.

Tucson school librarian Jessica Ross was among the educators who crowded the Senate gallery Thursday afternoon. Despite having traveled from Tucson multiple times to rally at the Capitol, Ross said supporting the protest has been challengin­g.

She described herself as “a hardcore, fiscally conservati­ve Republican, and this has been very difficult for me.”

“I had to review if I’m still a Republican after all of this, looking at the tenets of what we believe, and yes, I am, and my fellow Republican representa­tives are not doing their jobs,” Ross said, choking up in tears. “They are shirking their responsibi­lities, and it’s very upsetting.”

Ross said legislator­s “made it political” when they could have worked together to find a solution. In the next elections, she said, she’ll be looking for candidates who support public education, regardless of party affiliatio­n.

Lupita Almanza, a second-grade teacher from Mesa, was at the Capitol for 27 hours straight as lawmakers debated the budget in the early hours Thursday.

Almanza said viewing the debates was “extremely frustratin­g.”

“I guess I was naive in thinking, you know, we elect these people, we hold them to a very high regard, and I expected more collaborat­ion, more debate back and forth,” Almanza said. “It felt very one-sided to me.”

Almanza, who said she is a registered independen­t, said she feels educated about the process now, and “lied to.”

“(Lawmakers) say one thing to you, and then they vote another way,” she said.” I had no idea that some alliances are stronger than what’s best for kids. I’m disappoint­ed.”

Almanza said she’s frustrated by comments that the AEA teachers union is using the teachers as political pawns.

“This came from the teachers,” she said. “I did it for my kids. I did it because this is not good enough and we need to do more. We should be outraged, because they are cheating our kids.”

She said the recent days have started a fire within educators.

“This is just the beginning,” she said. “We’re going to show up in November for sure.”

 ?? ROB SCHUMACHER/THE REPUBLIC ?? Teachers and supporters fill the Arizona Senate’s lobby Wednesday evening.
ROB SCHUMACHER/THE REPUBLIC Teachers and supporters fill the Arizona Senate’s lobby Wednesday evening.

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