The Arizona Republic

A researcher actually studied habits of leg crossers


Today’s question: How come when women sit down, they always cross their legs? And it seems that it’s mostly their right leg. Is it because they’re right-handed? There are any number of reasons why women cross their legs. Women wearing shorter skirts might do so out of modesty.

Women otherwise dressed might do so for the same ingrained reason or for comfort or as a form of body language telling the observer she is not interested in whatever it is she is not interested in, such as you.

As for the right-handed part, I don’t know. Maybe so. One piece I read said that researcher­s have found that when men cross their legs at the knee 70 percent cross the left over the right.

That doesn’t seem right to me, but that’s what it said. The study also said American men are more likely than European men to cross the legs with the ankle-on-the-knee stance.

Isn’t it wonderful there are so many topics to keep researcher­s gainfully employed? What would we ever do with all those unemployed researcher­s if we ran out of things for them to do?

What hair color do they put on the drivers licenses of bald men?

Since most men still have some hair when they get their first license the usually use the original hair color as the gentleman ages.

If a guy really lost all his hair they probably would put down “none.” Or if he shaves his head they’d use the original hair color.

How many triple plays were there in Major League Baseball in the regular 2017 season?


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