The Arizona Republic

Experience with care by VA has been pleasant


I am in the process of leaving the industry and starting my own business. As a veteran, I decided to try out VA Health Care. I was skeptical as I had read and heard so much negativity about the system. I filled out my applicatio­n on a Sunday and received a follow-up call the next day. I was scheduled for a visit with my primary-care physician within two weeks. The visit was on time and the doctor spent at least 45 minutes with me going over my medical history and expectatio­ns.

I was referred to two specialist­s for continuing care of pre-existing conditions and received those appointmen­ts within three weeks. Again, the appointmen­ts were on time and thorough. I have visited the lab twice for blood work and found the lab to be extremely efficient. Finally, every appointmen­t reminder from the VA ends with “Thank you for your service.”

I do not believe I have ever had better health care in the private sector than I have had at the VA over the past few months. At this point, I question whether any of the negative press the VA received was true or not. I find it hard to believe that a system can turn around from seemingly abysmal to exceptiona­l in such a short period of time.

— Ahwatukee

Chandler criticizes parenting, misses chance to help student

My son graduated from Chandler High School in 2011. He had always struggled in school but when he got into high school things got worse. My wife and I contacted his counselor and his teachers for help numerous times and we were eventually labeled “helicopter parents.”

We were told my son was fine and that he just needed to apply himself more. After graduating Chandler, my son went to MCC where we discovered that he had autism. We eventually got him the help he needed and he is doing fine.

I had trusted the high school thinking that they knew what they were doing, after all they see thousands of kids every year and I felt they would have known if something was wrong. — Chandler

More coverage about Muslim faith is welcome

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your extended article in the Southwest Valley Republic’s weekend edition about Muslims in Arizona. Being a practicing Christian, I welcome informatio­n about other faiths. I found it quite informativ­e and was wondering if any of the Muslims interviewe­d are planning pilgrimage­s to Mecca and/or how many have actually traveled to or visited Islamic countries? Would they ever?

— Litchfield Park

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