The Arizona Republic



Throughout the season, Coyotes goalie Mike Smith will be keeping an occasional journal for azcentral sports to give insight into his play, how the team is performing and what’s keeping him busy away from the rink.

In this entry, Smith recaps the team’s recent five-game road trip.

It was a little slow out of the get-go, but I think we responded really well and we were able to come back and beat three pretty good teams in their rinks after losing the first two on the road. So I thought we were really happy with the way it ended and obviously when you win the last game of a road trip, the pilot always takes a shortcut home so we were able to do that.

Hockey’s, hockey. I think when it comes down to it, you’ve still got to do what it takes to win hockey games whether you’re playing teams in the East or the West. I thought we did a good job rebounding after we weren’t even close to where we needed to be in the first two games on the road trip, and I thought the last three were right where we were able to be.

None of them were my favorite cities. All were good cities but none of my favorites. Favorite city? There’s a few out there. Vancouver, New York City, Nashville, to name a few.

Didn’t do a whole lot. There was some down time. Brought the guitar on the trip, so there was a little time to serenade myself and pretend I’m a good singer.

On the plane, a long trip home even though the pilot did take the shortcut. It was still a five-hour flight when all was said and done. I’m a card player, so it seems to pass the time. Play for fun, though. No money thrown around. Mosser (David Moss) and I are part- ners. We play spades, and we beat Marty (Martin Hanzal) and Doaner (Shane Doan) so it was a good trip.

The best part was winning, finishing that road trip winning, but ultimately after being gone that long with two young kids, it’s obviously nice to come home.

 ?? MICHAEL CHOW/AZCENTRAL SPORTS ?? Coyotes goalie Mike Smith helped Phoenix win the last three games of its recent five-game road trip.
MICHAEL CHOW/AZCENTRAL SPORTS Coyotes goalie Mike Smith helped Phoenix win the last three games of its recent five-game road trip.
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