The Antlers American

Lead or get out of the way - By Rep. Justin Humphrey


It is with careful considerat­ion and contemplat­ion that I construct my thoughts over recent political events.

American Patriot Thomas Paine said, “Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolatio­n with us, that the glorious the triumph.” It is time United States citizens, and my fellow Oklahomans grasp that our federal and state government­s are being dominated by evil, and they have brought hell upon us.

Alexander Hamilton said, “History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introducti­on of despotism than the latter, and that those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people commencing demagogues and ending tyrants.”

Another way I’ve heard the end of this quote commencing to rabble rousing and ending as tyrants.”

Sounds familiar? I feel America has ignored and tolerated the government theft of our liberties. America has become entranced or spellbound by the media. We no longer possess the fundamenta­ls to discern, appreciate or comprehend truth, nor can many identify an obvious blatant lie.

The media has tried to paint Donald Trump as a dictator and a tyrant who is trying to destroy our republic. The word tyranny means “absolute rule unrestrain­ed by law or constituti­on.” It is inarguable that Hillary Clinton committed numerous crimes, such as illegally obtained informatio­n vital to national security, released our nation’s top secrets on her private server, unquestion­ably destroyed evidence which had been subpoenaed, obtained assistance from the White House to spy on a presidenti­al opponent, continued to spy on a sitting president, and paid and orchestrat­ed a fake dossier on then President Trump. Despite all these crimes, President Trump did not use his power or position to force criminal charges, but instead he restrained himself and allowed the government to - ident Trump’s conduct is completely opposite of a tyrant.

Democrats paid millions to conduct an illegitima­te investigat­ion and then made two disgracefu­l and counterfei­t attempts to impeach President Trump. Let’s not forget, Democrats encouraged violence with the burning of cities, massive disruption in nominating a Supreme Court justice, and did not recognize Donald Trump as president by repeatedly calling him illegitima­te and shouting, “Impeach 45.” Yet, President Donald Trump never sought to use his power to prosecute those who acted in such hostile and criminal ways against him.

However, the current presidenti­al administra­tion has conspired with district attorneys to have Donald Trump and Trump supporters arrested for raising legitimate unmistakab­le issues of campaign fraud. President Trump is accused of mishandlin­g documents, his house was raided, and he was charged with taking multiple unsecured places. Yet his houses were never raided, and charges were declined. Trump is accused of provoking a riot over calling out obvious election theft. The current administra­tion has thrown out the rule of law and illegally disregarde­d due process for Trump supporters. has weaponized the legal system charging President Trump with approximat­ely - olated the rule of law and molested the Constituti­on. of tyranny, “absolute rule unrestrain­ed by law or constituti­on.” Tyranny tries to censor free speech (government control of Facebook, Twitter), conceal records (Hunter’s laptop), restrict on families) and destroy society morality (transgende­rs taken America backwards to 1776 and a tyrannical hell-bent on destroying our nation. Wake up Oklahoma! The time has come to stop the tyranny of federal and state government­s. Tyranny like Hell is not easily conquered, but I once heard that the fastest way out of Hell is straight through.

Along these same lines, I have asked our Oklahoma attorney general to prosecute ATF Agents for raiding the home of Russell Fincher, an Oklahoma citizen, and illegally seizing his weapons. Oklahoma should not recognize the illegal and pathetic charge of the federal government against Fincher for his alleged selling of ammo to a felon. The governor and other leaders should allow Fincher to continue his employment as an Oklahoma teacher. Oklahoma leaders should send a clear message that Oklahoma will no longer allow the abuse of our Constituti­on or tolerate the degradatio­n of our justice system.

It’s time for our leaders to draft a document declaring Oklahoma will no longer accept the unlawful and dishonest rulings of partisan, phony, counterfei­t courts and call out the their illegal behavior and acts of treason. The governor, Senate and House should prepare such a document, and every willing

Oklahoma should ask other states to join in having their state leaders prepare a similar document. It is time for leadership to lead or get out of our way.

Justin Humphrey serves District 19 in the Oklahoma House of Representa­tives. His district includes Choctaw and Pushmataha counties and parts of

 ?? ?? District 7 Councilman, Joey Tom, sponsored the metals for the 1st Annual High Street Hustle 5K being hosted by the Pushmataha County Chamber of Commerce. Your support is a testament to your unwavering dedication to the well-being of our district.
District 7 Councilman, Joey Tom, sponsored the metals for the 1st Annual High Street Hustle 5K being hosted by the Pushmataha County Chamber of Commerce. Your support is a testament to your unwavering dedication to the well-being of our district.

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