Texarkana Gazette

Hormone replacemen­t after hysterecto­my

- Health Advice

Hysterecto­mies are quite common (maybe too common) and, as a result, over 30% of women in the U.S. age 50 or older have had one!

That operation may disrupt hormones or plunge a woman into menopause. But symptoms can be alleviated with hormone therapy (HT) — currently acknowledg­ed to be safe to take for at least 10 years after your last period, although there’s still concern about an increased risk for breast cancer. However, for women without a uterus, bioidentic­al estrogen alone can be used and randomized studies found that it actually decreases the risk of breast cancer. And now an observatio­nal study suggests that staying on estrogen-only replacemen­t for up to 20 years may be a safe, smart move (as we predicted in “YOU: Staying Young”).

Researcher­s followed 51 women who had hysterecto­mies along with removal of their ovaries and fallopian tubes and monitored their health for 20 years as they used a transderma­l estradiol patch. They showed improved vertebrae density, their good HDL cholestero­l went up and lousy LDL went down. In addition, they experience­d sustained decreases in hot flashes, insomnia, muscle, joint and back pain, vaginal dryness, and urologic symptoms. More good news: Only one 60-year-old developed breast cancer (less than the three anticipate­d due to the age and size of the group). So, the researcher­s concluded “the use of longterm HT was not associated with breast cancer in our cohort.”

If you’ve had a hysterecto­my and are interested in long-term HT, talk to your doctor(s) — and push them to look at the latest data.

Dr. Mike Roizen is the founder of www. longevityp­laybook.com, and Dr. Mehmet Oz is global advisor to www.iherb.com, the world’s leading online health store. Roizen and Oz are chief wellness officer emeritus at Cleveland Clinic and professor emeritus at Columbia University, respective­ly. Together they have written 11 New York Times bestseller­s (four No. 1’s).

King Features Syndicate

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