Texarkana Gazette

Iran negotiator faces Senate panel

Chances of nuclear deal ‘tenuous,’ Biden official admits


WASHINGTON — The United States’ top negotiator for Iran nuclear talks made the case to lawmakers Wednesday for sticking with what may be a last try for a deal reimposing limits on Iran’s nuclear developmen­t, despite Iran closing in on completing a bomb-capable nuclear program.

Rob Malley, President Joe Biden’s envoy to negotiatio­ns aimed at getting the U.S. and Iran back into a breached 2015 Iran nuclear deal, faced lawmakers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Some Democrats on the committee joined Republican­s in saying it was past time to break off talks and move to tougher means to block Iran from taking the final, technical steps needed to build a bomb.

Biden has made a priority of returning the U.S. and Iran to the nuclear pact, abandoning what his administra­tion says was a failed get-tough strategy by President Donald Trump.

Malley acknowledg­ed to lawmakers the chances of success were “tenuous” in what the administra­tion depicts as a final push to try to close an agreement.

The accord would ease punishing internatio­nal sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran accepting limits and oversight of its nuclear work.

Malley underlined to lawmakers that the administra­tion still believed Iran’s nuclear program was less of a threat inside a deal than outside of one.

“How long is this going to go on?” Sen. James Risch of Idaho, the committee’s top Republican, demanded of the often slow-moving, off and on talks.

For the Biden administra­tion, “We are prepared to get back into the [Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action] for as long as our assessment is that its nonprolife­ration benefits are worth the sanctions relief,” Malley responded.

The many opponents of the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action increasing­ly argue Iran’s progress since then toward the ability to weaponize what it says is a civilian nuclear program means it’s too late for any accord to block Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency said earlier this month that Iran has amassed about 90 pounds of uranium enriched to 60% purity, a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels.

“I think we must prepare for the increasing­ly obvious reality we face in 2022 — a return to the 2015 nuclear deal is not around the corner, and I believe it is not in the U.S. strategic interests,” committee Chairman Bob Menendez, one of the lawmakers of Biden’s own party opposed to the Iran nuclear deal, said.

“We need to tackle what comes next,” Menendez said.

Biden has insisted the U.S. will never allow Iran to take the final steps toward attaining nuclear programs.

Malley repeated that the administra­tion and its allies are preparing options if talks fail. The administra­tion has declined to detail publicly what steps it would take to knock offline Iran’s centrifuge­s and other nuclear gear, much of it deep undergroun­d and well-defended against airstrikes.

“Being at the table doesn’t mean we’re waiting. We’re not waiting, we’re acting,” Malley told lawmakers.

Democratic lawmakers in support of the negotiatio­n effort argued that giving up on peaceful pressure and negotiatio­ns now to move to military strikes against Iran’s nuclear program would be dangerous, and likely futile.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., urged U.S. leaders to resist what he called the siren song of the option of Israeli warplanes to move against the nuclear targets of Iran, Israel’s top opponent.

“It’s difficult to bomb knowledge out of existence,” added Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., suggesting Iran would only rebuild its program after strikes. “And the risk of spillover of a regional war is significan­t.”

Malley promised lawmakers on Wednesday that the administra­tion would allow Congress to review any deal that does come out of talks.

The talks to get Iran and the U.S. back into compliance with the nuclear deal appeared to have reached agreement on all but the final points of the accord itself by late winter. But talks deadlocked since then in part over Iran’s demand for the United States to lift a terrorist designatio­n on the country’s paramilita­ry Revolution­ary Guard.

European diplomacy over the past several days is believed to have persuaded Iranian leaders to drop that demand.

Even as Malley urged more time for the talks, the Biden administra­tion announced new sanctions Wednesday against Iran, among what Malley said were about 150 sanctions designatio­ns targeting Iran by the Biden administra­tion.

Wednesday’s sanctions hit what the U.S. said was an operation by a current Revolution­ary Guard official and a former one to smuggle oil in violation of internatio­nal sanctions.

 ?? (AP/Iranian Foreign Ministry) ?? Enrique Mora, the European Union coordinato­r of talks to revive Iran’s nuclear accord with world powers (left), shakes hands with Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani Wednesday, May 11, in Tehran, Iran.
(AP/Iranian Foreign Ministry) Enrique Mora, the European Union coordinato­r of talks to revive Iran’s nuclear accord with world powers (left), shakes hands with Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani Wednesday, May 11, in Tehran, Iran.

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