Texarkana Gazette

A shame of a shortage

- Los Angeles Times

When the sudden COVID19 shutdown caused people to hoard toilet paper, the nation was half amused by the inability to find a roll on any retail shelf.

There’s nothing funny, though, about the baby-formula shortage that has reached a peak in recent weeks. Many babies need formula to survive and thrive. It contains all the nutrients, in the right quantities, to meet an infant’s health and developmen­tal needs. Some parents have reportedly taken to watering down commercial formula, a dangerous step that threatens to leave their babies malnourish­ed. And pediatrici­ans are warning parents against making homemade formula.

The scarcity should be easing, now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion is allowing the import of more brands of European formula and has reached an agreement with Abbott, the country’s biggest formula maker, to restart production at its Michigan plant. But it could be two months before the facility is fully operationa­l. The plant was closed in February after a contaminat­ion of a deadly bacteria was found. Several babies who were drinking the formula got sick and two died, though the company says there is no evidence that its product was the cause.

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he is invoking the Defense Production Act to overcome the supply chain problems by directing suppliers to give formula producers priority on the delivery of key ingredient­s.

Federal action took far too long. Only over the last week has the FDA acted in any serious way. The federal government should have been purchasing stock from Europe and Mexico, another source of formula that meets U.S. standards, as soon as the Abbott plant was shuttered, and invoked the Defense Production Act earlier.

What makes the situation especially upsetting is that low-income mothers and their babies were put in an untenable position. The federal Women, Infants and Children nutrition program for families in need, which among other things provides free infant formula for impoverish­ed families, has agreements with formula makers who provide their product at no cost; in exchange, the companies get free marketing and greater shelf space in stores.

Under those agreements, though, mothers in any given state’s WIC program are limited to a single brand of formula. So while other families could buy expensive specialty formula or choose a store brand, at least when those were available, WIC mothers were left with no options when their stores ran out of the program-approved brand. (Exceptions were made in states that contracted with Abbott.) This isn’t a minor issue; about half the formula in this nation is obtained through the WIC program.

This has been yet one more sad example of how the nation puts an unacceptab­ly low priority on the health and welfare of mothers and babies which affects the choices new mothers are forced to make. So it’s not a surprise that this nation has among the lowest rates of breastfeed­ing in the developed world. Though breast milk is known to be the healthiest form of nutrition for young babies, many working mothers simply don’t have the support needed to breastfeed and pump while trying to hold down a job.

The best choice would be for mothers to be able to breastfeed their babies through better maternal leave and childcare available at their work sites so they could nurse during breaks. Other nations are showing the way. The question is whether the U.S. will ever be as much about family values as it likes to say it is.

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