Texarkana Gazette

Mind your mindfulnes­s — you don’t want to get it wrong!

- Dr. Roizen Advice (c)2021 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. King Features Syndicate

What’s the secret training technique that connects Michael Jordan, all of the Golden State Warriors, Derek Jeter, Novak Djokovic and Barry Trotz, the coach of the NHL’s 2018 Washington Capitals (they won the Stanley Cup)? Mindfulnes­s.

That form of meditation allows for moment-by-moment awareness without distractin­g or negative attachment. As Jordan once said: “It’s the moment, man. It’s the moment. You gotta get in the moment and stay in it.”

The reason mindfulnes­s — whether practiced in a quiet, darkened room or racing down the basketball court — is so powerful is that it allows keen observatio­n without the distractio­n that comes from derailing, emotional responses. You focus. See. (Act without reacting.) Move on.

But most folks don’t accomplish that when they do mindful meditation, according to a new study in Clinical Psychology Review. It seems in actual practice, people substitute passive acceptance for mindful engagement — which is truly the heart of the practice. Just ignoring stuff isn’t the point. The point is to fully see it — even examine or question it — and then let it drift away so that you have both understand­ing and acceptance, without frustratio­n, anger, stress.

When you learn to do that, you gain the many health benefits of mindfulnes­s: calming of the stress response, decreased reactivity, increased empathy, sharper focus and enhanced working memory, less conflict with both your near and dear, and at work — and, apparently, enhanced athletic ability!

For info on technique, visit ClevelandC­linic.org; search for “Mindfulnes­s: 17 Simple Ways to Ease Stress.”

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