Texarkana Gazette

The good and the ugly of Trump

- Jay Ambrose

He walked out on the stage and the crowd was cheering, the music was blasting “I’m proud to be an American,” and former President Donald Trump did look proud, very proud. This was despite a lost election he says he won, a Capitol riot he says he did not start and a furious but failed impeachmen­t attempt to keep him from ever seeking the presidency again.

The song ended with the words, “I love this land, God bless the USA,” and 74-year-old Trump, looking as energetic as ever, later made clear he loved his country now disdained by so many rewriting its noble history and not caring about the flag. Those attending the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference chanted, “We love you. We love you. We love you.”

They were representi­ng literally millions who, according to polls, do think Trump should maintain his Republican leadership and White House aspiration­s he said he just might act on. In contrast to other millions who think the opposite, they no doubt see charisma in the man, like what he did as president, what he advocates and salute a larger vision.

The vision is important because it does speak to something real. I get it, for instance, that he detests “cancel culture” that looks to ruin the lives of those whose words are casually defined as offensive. He said he fears the lapse of cherished principles that used to guide us, and the left right now is superb at this venture.

He is afraid of radicalize­d politics that embrace socialisti­c ambitions when capitalism has erased material misery all over the planet. To him, America is “an exceptiona­l nation blessed by God,” but is abandoned when public schools, for example, do not teach patriotism. He said he believes in free thought, thinks the Constituti­on means what it says and that the rule of law must be maintained.

We should all recognize the crushing sin of slavery, Jim Crow and racism, but that hardly means that accompanyi­ng greatness has failed to fight back. Trump talked about “a historic struggle for America’s future” when “our very identity as Americans is at stake.” There is a lot to that at a time of increasing encroachme­nts on free speech, talk of packing the Supreme Court, regulatory overkill and shrugging at race riots as nothing much, just $1 billion worth of property damage and a relatively few dead people.

Mangling facts while still making solid points, Trump got specific about fumbles by President Joe Biden, such as reawakenin­g an immigratio­n crisis and fighting climate change ineffectiv­ely by moves that will cost jobs and strip away energy resources at huge economic and national security costs. In the COVID-19 emergency, Biden has pummeled students by failing to pressure states sufficient­ly to open safe schools, Trump said before listing his own accomplish­ments as president, pretty impressive.

He then addressed the future, with, for instance, the idea of making the Republican Party into a unified party of love, bringing together people of varied races and creeds. That sounds splendid but is not in tune with his striking out at fellow Republican­s who have failed to kneel before him. His self-centered dispositio­n is contrary to the goal. What especially came to mind was the riot in the Capitol. Yes, the impeachmen­t proceeding­s were more show than substance, but here is a president who sat for hours in the White House calmly watching the mayhem on TV while doing nothing to stop it, a derelictio­n of duty.

He turned off his phone, made no move to call the National Guard, ignored concerned aides, seemed undaunted by any threat to lives or a peaceful transition of power, a cherished principle. Even given a long list of inanities, I have defended Trump frequently, have seen the progressiv­es as often worse than he was and was myself disturbed by media bias. But here was someone without any signal of character whatsoever. There are a number of Republican­s who would be acceptable presidenti­al candidates. He is not one of them.

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