Texarkana Gazette

Binding aspiration­s



The only America I’ve ever known in my 72 years has been an imperfect America. But, it’s also been the least imperfect nation on this earth across all of those years. The America that I’ve seen and that is portrayed in our history books is not a perfect America, but a growing America. And, those books confirm this to be a nation willing to grow beyond previous mistakes to a better national condition. And, because of that, I’ve found it easy to love, respect, and admire this nation. I do not require instantane­ous perfection of America. I merely require that it be ever moving toward the higher good, and that this movement be responsive and orderly for each new generation. And, I have found these things to be so. Thus, I am completely bought into America and her traditiona­l pursuits: Personal freedom, personal prosperity, and personal goodness.

Before these challengin­g times, it was unheard of that Americans would willingly embrace the government as their daily socialisti­c overlord. Rather, they tenaciousl­y sought simply to be as free as possible from government inference in their personal pursuit happiness. Nor have Americans previously been cowardly or lazy, shrinking from the competitiv­e nature of capitalism. Rather, they bravely and eagerly chased its broadly available treasures. And, history proves that vastly more often than not, they won them.

And traditiona­lly, Americans have always ultimately sought to do the right thing — simply because it, reasonably, was right — and not merely to satisfy the seditious agenda of some pretentiou­s street mob. Freedom, prosperity, goodness — a nation doesn’t build such noble aspiration­s into its citizens. Its citizens build them into the nation.

But, in these troubled times, too many American citizens no longer share those simple, but world-changing, aspiration­s. We don’t actually know the real size of this group, due to their exaggerate­d media influence, unethical ways, and outside allies.

But, we’ll know in a few days. The coming elections will expose either a decisive landslide for Trump and traditiona­l America. Or, it will expose a very fragmented America which has been deceptivel­y led to the dark side.

Larry Burnett Texarkana, Arkansas

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