Texarkana Gazette

Watch for symptoms of heatstroke in dogs


Dear Readers: It’s the end of August, and the heat is on! Heatstroke can develop in a dog when its body temperatur­e reaches over 104 degrees, and it can permanentl­y damage body organs.

Can you recognize the signs of heatstroke in your dog? Here are some:

■ frantic panting

■ a bright-red or dark tongue and gums

■ inability to stand upright

■ seizing

■ diarrhea and/or vomiting

■ coma

Suspect heatstroke? Get to the veterinari­an immediatel­y. On the way, use cool — NOT cold — water to cool the animal, and have the dog lick ice cubes. Rubbing alcohol on the footpads can help.

Do you know which breeds of dog are most susceptibl­e to heatstroke? Bulldogs and pugs (shortnose breeds) and dogs with heavy and dark coats, as well as dogs that already have breathing and heart problems, can be the most likely to get heatstroke, although no breed is immune.

In fact, according to the Humane Society (humanesoci­ety.org), high-energy dogs (for example, Jack Russells) may not know when to stop running in hot weather. Watch them carefully outside. And of course, heatstroke is the main cause of death with a dog in a hot car.

Keeping your dogs cool is critical during hot weather. — Heloise

Pet Pal

Dear Readers: After our pro-opossums hint, people have been sending in their opossum pictures!

Venida K. in Van Nuys, Calif., found this opossum in her yard during the day! She encourages the opossums because they keep the snails in her garden in check.

To see this cute guy and our other Pet Pals, visit Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” — Heloise

Buy It Now

Dear Readers: This may sound wild, but how about starting your Christmas shopping now? Look around for big sales this time of year for back to school — there can be some great gift ideas lurking around in there too! — Heloise

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