Texarkana Gazette

Making a Scene

Should we view onscreen smoking any differentl­y?


There was a time when smoking cigarettes was common both in society and on our movie and TV screens. But while Americans have cut way back on the habit, it’s still fairly prevalent in entertainm­ent.

That’s because cigarettes are useful props and always have been. Smoking can convey emotion and add to character developmen­t.

But for years, some concerned citizens have worried that smoking on screen encourages teenagers to take up the habit offscreen. They worry films and TV can make smoking seem “cool.”

Recently, Netflix came under fire for smoking scenes in its popular series “Stranger Things,” which is set in the 1980s when cigarette use was more common.

The company responded by announcing a change in policy.

“Going forward, all new projects that we commission with ratings of TV-14 or below for series, or PG-13 or below for films, will be smoking and e-cigarette free—except for reasons of historical or factual accuracy,” Netflix said.

On the other hand, there are those who say content should be left to creators and that since smoking exists in the real world, it is valid to depict in onscreen.

We want to know what you think. Are you in favor of films and TV eliminatin­g smoking unless there is a valid historical context? Or do you think the whole issue is overblown?

Send your response (50 words maximum) to opinion@texarkanag­azette.com by Wednesday, July 24. You can also mail your response to the Texarkana Gazette Friday Poll, at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504 or drop it off at our office, 101 E. Broad St., Texarkana, Ark. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. We will print as many responses as we can in next Friday’s paper.

Last Week: Recreation­al Pot?

Last week’s question was about the effort to get legalized marijuana for recreation­al use on the Arkansas ballot for the November 2020 election. Would you vote to legalize recreation­al marijuana in Arkansas? Or are you opposed?

Totally a vote of NO for recreation­al marijuana. What is it with people who think they have to get high or drunk to have fun. Is their self esteem that low? We finally got tobacco smoking out of the public. Now this? —G.W., Texarkana Ark.

Legalizati­on codifies liberty for responsibl­e adult cannabis consumers. In jurisdicti­ons with regulated recreation­al cannabis markets—the Netherland­s, Uruguay, and eleven U.S. states— the sky has not fallen. Regulated markets—like for tobacco and alcohol-—help keep cannabis away from children, cash away from criminals, and taxes in government coffers. Prohibitio­n has failed; legalize cannabis! —J.L.H., Texarkana, Ark.

From www.facebook.com/texarkanag­azette

I vote yes!

Now is the time, vote Yes.

Legalize it.

Yes, it’s already everywhere anyways.

I am absolutely opposed!!

No legalizati­on period.


Totally OPPOSED ! I could see some merit in medicinal with struck guidelines. Why get your high on marijuana? Get your high on Life! No more easy access to drugs is needed here No surprise here. Medical marijuana was just a way to get the door open so those wanting to smoke weed could find a way to get it “recreation­al.” I would not vote to legalize recreation­al marijuana or any marijuana.

Either way drugs will remain. So legalize it! Legalize. Short change the prison-industrial establishm­ent and cartels, collect the tax revenue.

Yep it’s a drug alright. Just like legal pills people in Texarkana are popping every day or the alcohol that is so glorified everywhere, which Is way worse for your overall health. Drugs are already here. Legalize the harmless ones.

■ Decriminal­ize it. Yes on growing limited number of plants for own use. It’s wrong to make people have to pay wealthy white companies for what poor people got arrested for doing.

■ Just what Texarkana needs, more crime and senseless acts of violence.

■ I would vote for it. So many addicted to Tramadol and hydrocodon­e and nobody bats an eye. Pot won’t make you lose teeth. Won’t make you lose weight. Doesn’t impair your judgment like alcohol does. Alcohol will cause you to sleep with ugly people.

■ Medical I’m all for. Recreation­al I’m still against—too easy to hide under the influence …

■ Legalize it. The restaurant­s will profit.

■ I don’t see anything wrong with it. Tobacco and liquor are much worse on the body and they’re legal. Marijuana has never killed anyone—except for the synthetic type. Therefore, if organic marijuana were legalized people would be less inclined to use synthetic marijuana. Yet the conservati­ve community in Arkansas would never allow it. They’re stupid and vote against their own interests as long as a candidate is an NRA member and anti-abortion. Or claims to be. If you don’t like something then don’t do it. It’s that simple. Don’t ruin things or opportunit­ies for everyone else.

■ Caffeine is a drug!

■ For medical marijuana yes

■ No

■ As long as one can still own firearms, whatever.

■ Yes! Anyone who has ever smoked in their life knows it does less than alcohol. It keeps people off opiates which is killing people. Weed don’t kill anyone. Alcohol does and it’s legal!

■ For legalizati­on of marijuana.

■ Yes! Legalize! It’s one of the best medicines available for many chronic illnesses and it’s taking forever to make it easily available.

■ Doooo it!

■ Yes to medical with prescripti­on. Oppose recreation­al. It would create even more impaired drivers and workplace issues.

■ Yes I’m down for it

■ Yes, for the love of everything holy! Legalize It!!

■ You all know this is how they know who does it and who don’t. All the ones who want it are now on a list being watched.

■ They have already done it here in California. It’s wonderful to sit in your own yard and smell skunk constantly.

■ Legalize it. It brings in a lot of money that we need as we kind of lead the nation in financial and food insecuriti­es. Look at Colorado and Washington.

■ I personally would recommend recreation­al and medicinal purpose … they gonna use it no matter what you say. So tax the heck out of them … it’s a win-win situation. I don’t smoke the nasty stuff but if folks gonna do it anyways … tax them.

■ No it’s bad news always has been always will be

■ Legalize

■ I’m all for it.

■ For it

■ I think it should be legalized in all states.

■ Oppose it

■ Legalize already!

■ All states should make pot legal … states should stop jacking around it … Just do it …

■ Legalize

■ Yes

■ Opposed

■ Opposed … the only reason these people are wanting is because they’re pot heads. This world has gone crazy.

■ Yes I will vote for it

■ We vote YES!

■ Legalize

■ No. I don’t care what any one says. It is addictive. I have a daughter who just came out of 90-day court ordered rehab to try and help her quit. When she smoked she was out if her mind. Yet when she was high she would swear literally marijuana (and there are several grades) is not addictive.

■ For it.

■ Oppose! I don’t want to be out with my kids and my kids get high from that mess! I voted yes for medical only because I know it has helped people but for the pot heads that just wants to smoke it freely. No.

■ I’m for it. I don’t smoke anything at all, but I know benefits come from it that help with pain and sleep. I mean in California it’s legal and they are doing fine there. You just can’t smoke it 30 feet from a business or own more than six plants, I believe. Also, even if someone needs marijuana for medical reasons and can’t get approved for it legal access to it will help.

■ Yes—legalize!

■ Legalize and gain the taxes, free up the court system, free up bed space in local, county, and state jails/prisons. Alcohol is legal, can be addictive. Doesn’t mean that everyone who has a mixed drink or beer is, or will be, an alcoholic. Same scenario for marijuana.

■ People don’t realize that if you get a medical marijuana card you lose the right to bare arms. Or if you get caught with pot even though it’s legal in your state it’s still against federal law, and you will lose your gun rights.

■ Legalize

■ It helps with my chronic pain and those who are against it probably have never experience­d pain in their lives. Thc and Cbd is better then the opioids that destroy your liver! So, yup voting for it!

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