Texarkana Gazette

EU election: Farage supporters eager for Brexit litmus test

- By Jill Lawless

FRIMLEY GREEN, England—No one in Britain is more enthusiast­ic about this week’s European Union elections than people who hate the EU.

Hard-core Brexit supporters have become increasing­ly eager to cast ballots for Nigel Farage’s newly formed Brexit Party, whose sole policy is to leave the EU as soon as possible. They’re attending rallies in their thousands to chant “Ni-gel! Ni-gel!” and denounce what they call the betrayal of their referendum vote to leave the bloc. Three years after that decision, political gridlock in Parliament means the U.K. is still not out the exit door.

The five-yearly elections to the European Parliament are generally sleepy affairs in Britain; only about a third of the electorate bothered to vote in 2014. But Brexit has made Thursday’s vote an emotionall­y charged showdown with high stakes for Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservati­ve government.

“There is a momentum, an energy behind the Brexit Party,” a beaming Farage told The Associated Press before addressing more than 1,000 supporters at a rally in Frimley Green, a commuter-belt village 30 miles southwest of London. “There are millions of people out there asking a question: What kind of country are we if we turn our backs on a democratic result?”

If things had gone to plan, this election—being held across the 28 EU countries between Thursday and Sunday—wouldn’t be taking place in Britain, which was due to have left the bloc on March 29. But with departure postponed, potentiall­y until Oct. 31, Britain must elect its 73 representa­tives, even though they may only serve briefly in the 751-seat EU legislatur­e, which has a wide array of budgetary and scrutiny powers.

Opinion polls suggest Farage’s Brexit Party could pick up as much as a third of the vote in an election many see as proxy Brexit referendum, with many defecting from May’s deeply divided Conservati­ve Party.

The pro-EU Liberal Democrats and the Greens are also seeing big surges, largely at the expense of the main opposition Labour Party, which is divided over whether to support a second referendum for Brexit.

Arguably the U.K.’s best-known Brexiteer, Farage is a longtime thorn in the side of the EU, a prominent U.K. fan of President Donald Trump and a hate figure for liberal and pro-European Britons. On Monday, Farage became the latest right-wing British candidate to be splattered with a milkshake while campaignin­g.

He helped lead the “leave” campaign in Britain’s 2016 EU referendum using messages that have been accused of racism—one billboard showed a line of migrants under the slogan “breaking point.” Electoral authoritie­s have since investigat­ed the funding of Farage’s Leave.EU campaign and fined it for breaking campaign spending laws.

After the referendum Farage quit as leader of the U.K. Independen­ce Party, which later lurched to the anti-Islam far right. He launched his new party last month to harness the anger and frustratio­n felt by many Brexit-backers over the impasse in Parliament.

Farage says more than 100,000 people have paid 25 pounds ($32) to become registered supporters. Election regulators are investigat­ing the party’s finances after claims it broke the rules by accepting donations from overseas.

In Frimley Green, the largely white, middle-aged crowd—packed into a 1970s leisure center that usually holds darts tournament­s—roared as Farage condemned the “betrayal” of Brexit and May’s “shameful” deal with the EU.

Farage, 55, has sat in the European Parliament for two decades and run unsuccessf­ully for Britain’s Parliament seven times, but the crowd lapped up his tirades against the “career political class.”

The Brexit Party wants to rip up the divorce agreement agreed between May and the bloc—and three times rejected by Parliament— and leave without a deal on future trade terms. Most businesses and economists think that would cause economic turmoil and plunge Britain into recession. But Farage supporters deride such warnings as “Project Fear.”

Pro-EU voters, who tend to be younger and more urban, are also eager to send a message on Thursday, but must choose among several parties promising the chance to stop Brexit.

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