Texarkana Gazette

When you suspect a student is dangerous

- Chicago Tribune

Two decades ago, Americans hoped the slaughter of students at Columbine High School would prove to be a horrible aberration, an event provoked by some bizarre confluence of causes unlikely to be repeated.

Tragically, we now know better. School shootings in America have proved maddeningl­y difficult to predict— just as maddeningl­y difficult to prevent.

A chilling fact: In the vast majority of school attacks, someone was aware of what the student was thinking or planning. But many of those who suspected a proclivity for violence didn’t alert authoritie­s.

Why not? One reason is that this is a distressin­g judgment call. People fear that reporting suspicions may start a database entry that marks a child for life. They hesitate to interfere in parental or teacher responsibi­lities. These troubled students generally aren’t criminals lurking in the shadows, after all. They’re teens with teenage problems, often exhibiting typical teenage angst. Some are abruptly withdrawn, others crave attention—two passages of adolescenc­e that many of us traveled.

The question, then, that confronts adults and fellow students: Which young people are potentiall­y, perhaps imminently, dangerous to themselves or others and which ones are … just negotiatin­g the often tumultuous teenage years?

But there are smart ways to approach that ambiguity.

In a just-released report on school safety, the U.S. Secret Service recommends that schools create “threat teams” that can include teachers, coaches, guidance counselors, mental health and law enforcemen­t profession­als. The aim of this group enterprise: “to identify students of concern, assess their risk for engaging in violence or other harmful activities, and identify interventi­on strategies to manage that risk.”

Instead of only focusing on the student’s personalit­y or school performanc­e the teams would, for instance, flag threatenin­g social media posts, texting or other troubling communicat­ions. The teams also could try to determine a student’s access to weapons or explosives.

The threshold to intervene should be “relatively low,” before dangerous behavior escalates. Many people may consider calling the police an extreme response. Not really. But calling a school’s threat assessment team should be easier. Schools that set up these teams—and many already have—should ensure that not just students and parents, but everyone in the community knows they can confidenti­ally air suspicions about a student.

Students should be reminded, again and again, that it’s safe to speak up to prevent an attack. That this is not snitching or ratting or narcing but possibly helping a classmate who is struggling.

And adults who deal with young people? Yes, it may be awkward to report a suspicion about a child you know. But that act could save the lives of many other schoolchil­dren you’ve never met.

So err on the side of reporting. You never know when you’re not the first person, but the third, to voice a concern. Warning signals flash yellow before red.

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