Texarkana Gazette

The pros and cons of decanting

- Heloise King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers: You can decant— what does that mean? For our purposes, it means removing kitchen and bath staples (rice, pasta, flour, cereal, beans, swabs and cotton balls, etc.) from their original packaging and storing them in pretty, clear containers that you can pick up at a discount store. There are pros and cons to this—let’s take a look:


You can see all of your items, and can tell when you are running low. Buying basics at a warehouse store can save money.

The containers can stack efficientl­y, which will conserve space.

Weevils and pests will stay away; items can remain fresher longer. CONS

It will take time initially to set up your system how you like it.

You can lose the nutritiona­l and usage informatio­n from the packaging, along with the expiration dates. Tape labels to the bottom or back of the jars.

You must rotate items and use the oldest product first.

Label each jar to get started, and see how decanting can work for you!—Heloise

THE HOST WITH THE MOST Dear Heloise: We have friends who invite us to stay overnight with them when we travel. From them, we’ve learned about a few things you should have on hand for your guests:

■ Alarm clock, your Wi-Fi access code, the TV remote, a dish for jewelry

■ Cereal bar and a bottle of water per person

■ Extra blanket

■ Nightlight

■ Washcloth, bath towel, toothbrush, razor, shower cap, floss and toothpaste

■ Mild soap, deodorant soap and shampoo

■ New roll of toilet paper

Now you’ll be the best host ever.— J.H., Uniontown, Ohio

BORDER MOWING Dear Heloise: Summer’s coming! When I mow my lawn, I leave a 2-inch border of uncut grass along paved areas. Then I go back and mow that border.

By doing this, my lawn mower no longer shoots billions of blades of grass all over my driveway and sidewalk. I haven’t had to blow, sweep or wash paved areas after mowing in years.—Jarrod M., Colorado Springs, Colo.

TATER MAKER Dear Heloise: I remove water from shredded potatoes so they are crispy. Instead of using paper towels, I use a tea towel that can be laundered.— Roxanne C., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

A BETTER FLOW Dear Heloise: I read your hints in The (Harrisburg, Pa.) Patriot-News. I use baby oil daily in the shower, and instead of peeling back the aluminum cover on a new bottle, I poke a pin in the top. The oil flows at just the right amount without waste, and no worry about dropping it and making a mess.—Melissa B., Harrisburg, Pa.

Still, be careful of slipping!— Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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