Texarkana Gazette

Woman still facing surgery has faith all will be well

- By Amanda Segall Swanson

When I turned 40 in December of 2014, I knew the next year would be fun and full of surprises. I had just started a job that was a gift from above and everything was going great.

My family was thriving, and I could only see sunshine ahead. I could never have imagined what surprises lay ahead, but I jumped into 2015 with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Then just a few months later, I was confronted with a surprise no one wants to receive. I discovered a lump under my arm so I called my physician and made an appointmen­t for a check-up. I knew it would be a fatty tumor or swollen gland from a previous infection. I spoke with family members and knew there was no breast cancer in my family at all as far as they knew, so there were no worries. I arrived at my appointmen­t prepared to face a trivial annoyance of some kind and very quickly my world began to change.

At my examinatio­n the physician was very concerned, and scheduled a mammogram. The discovery of a small lump in my breast then led to an ultrasound biopsy … waiting on my doctor to call seemed like an eternity and as each minute passed I clung to the hope that “no news was good news.” Then as I was driving home one evening, the call came and my hopes that no news was good news were dashed. I did have cancer and needed to receive treatment immediatel­y.

My doctor was very compassion­ate and concerned. She answered all the questions I had at that time, and continues to do so. I couldn’t have had a better start on my journey than I received in Texarkana. There were so many questions swirling through my addled brain as I started down this perilous pathway. What do I do next? Where do I go? What if this and what if that? What about my kids, my husband … in the blink of an eye my world was being colored very differentl­y …

Ultimately the decisions were mine, and I chose to go to Baylor for my treatment for a number of reasons, but primarily because that was the door that opened for me and I believe an answer to prayer. From the first moment I stepped through that door, the pegs have fallen into place and my treatment was outlined for me.

I have had a few bumps in the road, and the chemo wasn’t always easy, but with the help of God, family, and friends I know that each tomorrow brings me closer to the end of this journey and the sunshine of a new tomorrow.

As I write this, I am facing surgery, and I know that all will be well. I have learned so much, and I am thankful for each and every person who has helped me through. I am so blessed with family, friends, employees, and an employer who has been a blessing every step of the way.

I am just looking forward to the day when my children’s prayer is, “Thank you God for taking away mama’s cancer,” and not “Please dear God take mama’s cancer away.”

 ?? Submitted photo ?? Amanda Segall Swanson with her children, Alexis and Cooper.
Submitted photo Amanda Segall Swanson with her children, Alexis and Cooper.

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