Texarkana Gazette

GOP wrestling with too many '16 prospects for a TV debate

- By Steve Peoples

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—Never have more than 10 candidates taken the stage for a televised Republican presidenti­al debate. Wish the GOP luck in trying to keep it that way.

With the party's first debate set for August, Republican­s must decide to either allow what could become a nationally televised circus act, or figure out how to fairly whittle down a field likely to include eight current or former governors, four senators, two accomplish­ed business executives and a renowned neurosurge­on.

Part of the problem is basic math. In a 90-minute debate featuring so many candidates, there would be only enough time for opening and closing statements and two, maybe three questions— no time left over for the interactio­n between candidates that makes for an actual debate.

Thus, a process filled with opportunit­y as the GOP seeks to highlight its diverse crop of candidates, but also fraught with risk as some of the traditiona­l ways of making the cut could exclude some who have won statewide office, not to mention the only woman and African-American in the field.

Worried they might be left out, several candidates are encouragin­g the RNC to consider creative options, including debate "heats." Brad Todd, an adviser to the super PAC backing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is pushing RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to hold two 90-minute debates on consecutiv­e nights featuring different groups of candidates.

Rick Santorum, the runner-up in the 2012 Republican primary contest, floated the same idea as he visited with RNC officials in Arizona this week.

Others are privately pressing party leaders to allow for the broadest participat­ion possible in the first debate, set for this August in Cleveland. Businessma­n and TV personalit­y Donald Trump is among those whose advisers have spoken directly with Priebus in recent days.

There are currently eight contenders who poll consistent­ly at or above 5 percent: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and retired neurosurge­on Ben Carson.

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