Texarkana Gazette

Miller County Senior Center



Miller County Senior Center is at 1007 Jefferson Ave., Texarkana, Ark., inside the Southwest Arkansas Developmen­t Council.

The center is open Monday through Friday and serves a meal at 11:30 a.m. each day.

Meals are for seniors age 60 and over. Costs are $2 for members and $4 for guests.

For informatio­n on programs and transporta­tion, contact 870-2161136.

Dec. 2—10 a.m. ADH Flu shots with Cynthia White.

Dec. 3—10 a.m. BINGO with Bailey Creek; noon open game play.

Dec. 4—10 a.m. BINGO with Healthsout­h Rehab; 11 a.m. Devotion; noon open game play.

Dec. 5—10 a.m. TAPD with Kristy Mitchell; noon open game play.

Dec. 6—10 a.m. armchair aerobics with Jena Howell; noon open game play.

Dec. 9—10 a.m. armchair aerobics with Jena Howell; noon open game play.

Dec. 10—10 a.m. TAFD with Steve Johnson; noon open game play.

Dec. 11—10 a.m. BINGO with Healthsout­h Rehab; 11 a.m. Devotion; noon open game play.

Dec. 12— 10 a. m. Nutrition BINGO with Serenity & Lisa; noon open game play.

Dec. 13—10 a.m. armchair aerobics with Jena Howell; noon Bean Bag Baseball; 2 p.m. Staff Training.

Dec. 16—10:30 a. m. BINGO with K. Williams; noon open game play.

Dec. 17—10 a.m. BINGO with Amber; 10:30 a.m. Healthy Eating with Sonia of UAMS.

Dec. 18— 11 a. m. Devotion; 1: 30 p. m. BINGO with Melissa of Waterton Plaza.

Dec. 19—noon New Hope Baptist Church; 1 p.m. Farkle and cards; 6 p.m. Texarkana Chapter Delta Academy Christmas Party.

Dec. 20—noon to 2 p.m. Christmas party.

Dec. 23 through Dec. 27— Closed for Christmas.

Dec. 30—10 a.m. armchair aerobics with Jena Howell.

Dec. 31—Closed for New Year.

Ca rds and dominos are played at 9 a.m. on select days. Contact the center for specific dates.

Quilting and arts and crafts is held at 1 p.m. Tuesdays.

Devotion is held at 11 a.m. Wednesdays.

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