Texarkana Gazette

‘We are like a big family’

Retired beautician is dedicated to keeping seniors looking great.

- By Fran Presley

When Kathy Shay Batts was a little girl growing up in Wake Village, Texas, she loved giving her dolls new hairstyles.

“I always wanted to do people’s hair,” she says.

Although as an adult she worked six years as a lab technician for Wadley Hospital, she never forgot her first love: arranging hair. Finally, she left her job in Texarkana to pursue a vocation in the field she enjoyed the most; she enrolled at Ogle’s Beauty School in Arlington, Texas. Just two months later, she was asked to be an instructor. Fixing hair came naturally to her.

For 30 years, she has served as director of three beauty schools, mostly in the DallasFort Worth area. About eight years ago, she returned to Texarkana, working in beauty salons here, and in 2012, she retired from full-time work.

She has continued working three days a week, though, for Magnolia Assisted Living Home, a job she enjoys. She brings joy to about 30 residents—washing and setting hair, giving perms, coloring hair, doing manicures and pedicures. And they bring joy to her. She said residents— both women and men—could be anywhere from their 50s to their 90s.

“Even if some of them don’t know who they are, they know


when I am supposed to be there,” she said. “They always tell me they love me. We are like a big family. My work there brightens them up; they just beam. It is the highlight of their week. Being with them, you connect with them. Sometimes I have done their hair in their beds—just anything to help them out.”

Batts also serves the staff with their haircuts and other hair needs.

Batts’ husband, Dave, was also a talented hairdresse­r, and they had a happy marriage for 23 years. Together they brought up her three children and Dave’s three children. All six have families of their own now.

“Dave strongly supported my work at the assisted-living home,” she said. He died unexpected­ly on Aug. 31. Although he had been sick, his death came as a shock.

None of their children live in Texarkana, but since Dave’s death, they come to visit Batts often. She has 17 grandchild­ren, three great-grandchild­ren and another great-grandchild on the way.

In spite of Batts’ deep sadness over the loss of her husband, she has continued her work with older people three days a week. And every day she visits her 92-year-old mother, who lives alone. “I take Mother to work with me every Thursday and do her hair. She loves to go out there. There is always something going on—birthday parties, entertainm­ent, making crafts.”

Although Batts’ mother has some health problems, Batts said of her, “She never complains and she always has a smile.”

In anticipati­on of Christmas, residents at Magnolia will make centerpiec­es, wreaths and other Christmas decoration­s.

“There is a huge Christmas tree every year and a big Christmas dinner with residents and their families,” Batts said.

And thanks to Batts, the residents and staff can count on looking their best during the holidays.

Besides her activities on her job, Batts is active at Village Community Baptist Church in Wake Village, a church she always attended when she was young, though years ago it was a different denominati­on. She serves as the church’s treasurer, and has helped with a program for seniors: serving meals Monday through Friday and bingo games on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Batts has experience­d major changes in her life the past two years, but one aspect of her life remains the same: her desire to be of service to others.

Emmanuel Otera, marketing director at Magnolia, is appreciati­ve of the love Batts shows the residents.

“We serve very special people—those with dementia. Kathy is very loving and kind to them. She is always calm, collected, loving and patient. And she calls everyone by their name,” he said.

 ?? Staff photos by Curt Youngblood ?? Kathy Batts works on Iris Flanagan’s hair at Magnolia Assisted Living Home on Wednesday morning. Batts is a retired hair stylist who does hair at Magnolia several days a week.
Staff photos by Curt Youngblood Kathy Batts works on Iris Flanagan’s hair at Magnolia Assisted Living Home on Wednesday morning. Batts is a retired hair stylist who does hair at Magnolia several days a week.
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