Sweetwater Reporter

To the 118th Congress: Welcome Aboard. Now Get to Work -- Part I

- BY OLIVER NORTH Oliver L. North is a combat-decorated U.S. Marine, No.1 bestsellin­g author, founder and CEO of Fidelis Publishing LLC and Fidelis Media. Find out more at www.olivernort­h.com.

On Tuesday, the new U.S. Congress was sworn in. Welcome, especially to those new to Washington. As a reminder to my readers and charge to our elected representa­tives, here is the oath you will take:

“I, (name here), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constituti­on of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservatio­n or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

You will reaffirm this oath every time a new Congress is formed. We the People expect you to honor your vow.

The central focus of your office and responsibi­lity to those who sent you there is the Constituti­on of the United States of America and the attached 27 amendments. It is not to leadership, donors, the White House, and certainly not to lobbyists.

On the latter, I have much to say, but I’ll begin with one of my deepest personal concerns, my children, grandchild­ren, and should the Lord tarry, the generation­s of my family to come. My concern extends to all children because we are mandated by Scripture to defend them from the womb to maturity.

From an Epoch Times article by Naveen Athrappull­y published a few days ago comes this line:

“School administra­tors who ensure that, (a) events like pep rallies and proms include same-gender and gender non-conforming couples, (b) bathrooms and lockers can be used by any student per their chosen gender, (c) athletics programs have mixed gender participat­ion, and (d) students have access to age-appropriat­e LGBTQ specific online materials, resources, and informatio­n, are given an A rating (and grants).”

Mike Pompeo recently said: “The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten. It’s not a close call.” Weingarten is president of the American Federation of Teachers and the leading proponent of the LBGT agenda and other destructio­n dropped on our children in the American school system. Congress must step in and get U.S. schools away from indoctrina­tion and back to teaching critical skills, reading, writing, math, history and science, full stop.

Though Republican­s did not manage to flip the Senate, Congress controls the “purse strings” and by that can begin defunding anti-American department­s and agenda items starting with the Department of Education. Better yet, they can fully defund federal involvemen­t in public education and return control to local municipali­ties and the parents therein.

Congress should also immediatel­y defund every bad foreign policy coming out of this corrupt White House. You should start here: JNS recently published an article by Caroline Glick:

“... the Biden administra­tion aggressive­ly pursued its strategy of realigning the U.S. away from Israel and the Sunni Arab states by legitimizi­ng Iran’s nuclear weapons program and enriching the regime through nuclear diplomacy ...”

France and highlevel EU officials met in Amman, Jordan, in December with the Iranian Foreign Policy Committee member Javad Karimi-Ghodousi to further talks about Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

“... in Amman, the Biden administra­tion (not physically present at the meeting) and the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency acquiesced to both of Iran’s chief demands. They will close the IAEA’s investigat­ion of the three nuclear sites that Iran failed to disclose, and the Biden administra­tion will make its economic concession­s binding on its successors at least in the commercial arena.”

As our children are being attacked in our schools, our national security is being torn down on every front.

In subsequent columns, I will continue to delineate the steps Congress MUST take to honor their oath of office and regain the trust of the American people.

It is not hyperbole to say our nation’s future and the integrity of our constituti­onal republic is now in the hands of 222 Republican congressme­n.

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